Name | Level | Worth | Received |
| Adso's Axe | | 1 74 | Quested From: Trophies for the Walls (15) |
| Adso's Blade | | 1 36 | Quested From: Payment in Full (12) |
| Aechigil | 60 | 6 40 | Sold by: Gurdagnir |
| Aeglang | 50 | 7 95 | Sold by: Forgamdir |
| Algraig Sword of Battle | 65 | 15 69 | Sold by: Mabon (Alraig Rewards Vendor) |
| Amarthdraw | | 8 47 | Quested From: A Great Goblin (50) |
| Amarthdring | | 10 32 | |
| Ancient Blade | 48 | 5 14 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Ancient Longsword of Fate | 19 | 2 50 | Dropped by: Noxious Barrow-wight |
| Ancient Steel Axe | 47 | 8 50 | Crafted |
| Ancient Steel Dagger | 47 | 5 30 | Crafted |
| Ancient Steel Sword | 47 | 8 8 | Crafted |
| Angbor | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Anghigil | | 5 30 | Quested From: Book 8: Chapter 6: A Watchful Eye (50) |
| Anglang | | 5 | Quested From: Ending the Elder (35) |
| Angolgrist | | 11 2 | Quested From: Stronger Competition (68) |
| Angronn | | 8 47 | Quested From: Chapter 3: Journey to Combe (50) |
| Annundur | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Ansurr's Sword | | 9 34 | Quested From: Fungus and Acid (54) |
| Apple Seeker | | 1 8 | Quested From: Fallen Apples (7) |
| Arnmoth's Ruin | | 12 8 | Quested From: Arnmoth the Exacting (50) |
| Arohir's Axe | | 3 59 | Quested From: Orcs of the Blood Mountain (33) |
| Artagan's Spear | | None | Quested From: The Minions of Muirathakh (44) |
| Ash Hammer | 10 | 1 65 | Crafted |
| Auger | 50 | 7 95 | Dropped by: Helchgam |
| Aurochs Skinner | | 2 3 | Quested From: Provisions for the Glade (26) |
| Avorchrist | 50 | 12 75 | Dropped by: Istuigon |
| Avorhigil | | 5 30 | Quested From: The Great Escape (49) |
| Avorlang | | 8 22 | Quested From: Leaders of the Deep (50) |
| Axe | | None | |
| Axe of Khazad-Dum | 44 | 7 66 | |
| Axe of Mirrormere | 49 | 8 36 | |
| Axe of Stamina | 75 | 7 20 | Dropped by: Khundolar Archer, Khundolar Berserker, Khundolar Captain, ... |
| Axe of the Blamed | 48 | 8 50 | |
| Axe of the Eglan-vanguard | 32 | 9 60 | Sold by: Freagyr |
| Axe of the Mark | 23 | 4 72 | |
| Axe of the Purifier | 50 | 8 50 | Dropped by: Nengon |
| Axe of Tol Brandir | 16 | 3 74 | |
| Backed Hand Axe | 14 | 2 8 | |
| Backed Hand Axe | 15 | 2 16 | |
| Backed Hand Axe | 23 | 2 36 | Dropped by: Raging Tarkrip Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn, Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Backed Hand Axe | 26 | 2 57 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Windle Moorneedle |
| Backed Hand Axe | 29 | 2 78 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Windle Moorneedle |
| Backed Hand Axe | 32 | 2 99 | Dropped by: Foreman Nyrad Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Backed Hand Axe of Arda | 5 | 1 8 | Dropped by: Goblin Scout |
| Backed Hand Axe of Extermination | 16 | 2 24 | |
| Backed Hand Axe of the Spirit | 17 | 2 33 | Dropped by: Noxious Barrow-wight |
| Backed Hand Axe of Vigour | 15 | 2 16 | |
| Baingrist | 65 | 21 20 | |
| Balanced Dagger | | 31 | Sold by: Duri Bold-hammer, Fanhir, Gilbor, ... |
| Balanced Dagger | | 2 41 | |
| Balanced Dagger | 5 | 61 | Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Duri Bold-hammer, Hodor Thornberry, ... |
| Balanced Dagger | 8 | 91 | Dropped by: Gramsfoot Guard Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Karl Quickfire |
| Balanced Dagger | 11 | 1 9 | Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf |
| Balanced Dagger of Arda | 16 | 1 54 | |
| Balanced Dagger of the Goblin-Wars | 25 | 1 98 | |
| Balanced Dagger of the Mountains | 45 | 2 94 | |
| Balanced Dagger of the Spirit | 17 | 1 59 | |
| Balanced Dunlending Longsword | | 6 78 | Quested From: To Lhan Rhos (70) |
| Balandram | | 6 23 | Quested From: Master of the Black Tide (37) |
| Bannerman's Axe | 75 | 414 | Sold by: Rohirrim Quartermaster, Rohirrim Quartermaster (Galtrev) |
| Barachen's Mallet | | 3 65 | Quested From: Very Unlike Trolls (34) |
| Barashal's Doom | | 5 22 | Quested From: Lord of the Gertheryg (50) |
| Battle Axe | 23 | 5 29 | |
| Battle Pick | 26 | 2 56 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Battle Pick | 29 | 2 77 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Battle Pick | 32 | 2 98 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Battle Pick of Fleetness | 32 | 3 57 | |
| Battle Pick of Wounding | 39 | 4 15 | |
| Bavor's Blade | | 2 8 | Quested From: The Puzzle-vault (14) |
| Bear Knife | 5 | 61 | Sold by: Brinley Gardener, Filimer Took, Gareth Somerset, ... |
| Bear Knife | 8 | 91 | Sold by: Brinley Gardener, Filimer Took, Gareth Somerset, ... |
| Bear Knife | 11 | 1 9 | Sold by: Brinley Gardener, Filimer Took, Gareth Somerset, ... |
| Bear Knife | 28 | 91 | |
| Bear Knife | 30 | 2 22 | Dropped by: Raugzdrok |
| Bear Knife | 33 | 2 36 | |
| Bear Knife of Extermination | 6 | 85 | Dropped by: Blackwold Leader |
| Bear Knife of Fleetness | 29 | 2 32 | |
| Bear Knife of Strengthening | 28 | 2 12 | Dropped by: Wretched Gloom-water |
| Beast-render | 45 | 7 80 | |
| Belegron | | 8 90 | Quested From: Servant of the White Hand (51) |
| Bent Dagger | | 1 | Dropped by: Blackwold, Blackwold Bowman, Blackwold Cutthroat, ... |
| Bitbrand | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Black Ash Hammer | 42 | 4 66 | Crafted |
| Blade of Buth Luikh | | 7 52 | Sold by: Buth Luikh Wound-counter Quested From: The Light of Hope (44) |
| Blade of Daring | | 12 12 | Quested From: Implements of Daring (50) |
| Blade of Keria | | 12 75 | Quested From: Book XIII, Chapter 11: Narchuil Goes South (50) |
| Blade of the Barrow-downs | 10 | 2 90 | |
| Blade of the Company | 48 | 8 22 | |
| Blade of the Forgotten | 14 | 3 46 | Dropped by: Barrow-wight, Corintur, Southern Leader, ... |
| Blade of Unity | 60 | 9 90 | Quested From: Chapter 3: Sons of Leaf and Stone (60) |
| Bloodhand's Doom | | 6 26 | Quested From: Ivar the Bloodhand (34) |
| Blunted Mace | 8 | 1 20 | Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Karl Quickfire |
| Boar Hunter's Mace | | 1 20 | Quested From: Dangerous Boars (12) |
| Boar-Tooth Dagger | | 3 86 | Quested From: Boar-tooth Dagger (34) |
| Bognagol | 52 | 8 70 | Sold by: Austar, Curugardh, Dorthadir, ... |
| Bonfire Clud | 45 | 7 77 | |
| Boot Knife | 5 | 61 | Sold by: Gilbor |
| Boot Knife | 8 | 91 | |
| Boot Knife | 11 | 1 9 | |
| Boot Knife | 14 | 1 21 | |
| Boot Knife | 17 | 1 33 | Dropped by: Nishruk, Nurzurz, White Hand Battler, ... Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Boot Knife | 20 | 1 45 | Dropped by: Angered Tarkrip Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Boot Knife | 23 | 1 57 | Dropped by: Hateful Ongburz Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Boot Knife | 26 | 1 69 | Dropped by: Arthedain Guard, Arthedain Soldier Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Boot Knife | 29 | 1 81 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Boot Knife | 32 | 1 93 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Boot Knife | 32 | 1 93 | |
| Boot Knife | 35 | 2 5 | Dropped by: Scouting Tomb-robber, Veteran Tomb-robber |
| Boot Knife | 38 | 2 17 | |
| Boot Knife | 44 | 2 41 | Dropped by: Overland Bomber, Overland Guard, Overland Overseer, ... |
| Boot Knife of Fate | 33 | 2 36 | |
| Boot Knife of the Hunter | 13 | 1 40 | Dropped by: Gramsfoot Guard, Gramsfoot Hurler, Wild Gramsfoot |
| Boot Knife of Wounding | 47 | 3 4 | |
| Bori's Club | | 9 4 | Quested From: Book 3. Chapter 6: Honour Enough for Both (54) |
| Bracegirdle's Dirk | | 1 55 | Quested From: Forest Spiders (16) |
| Brandybuck's Cudgel | | 2 39 | Quested From: Haunted Forest (16) |
| Bregdram | | 3 23 | Quested From: Half-orc Schemer (28) |
| Bregmor's Woe | | 8 47 | Quested From: Chapter 12: Skin of Bregmor (50) |
| Bregnam | | 2 5 | Quested From: The Standing-Stone (14) |
| Brethilwen's Mace | | 1 7 | |
| Bri-pastun | 65 | 10 44 | Sold by: Mabon (Alraig Rewards Vendor) |
| Brigand Blade | | 1 55 | Quested From: Informing Grimbriar (16) |
| Brigand Captain's Sword | | 5 98 | Quested From: A Formal Complaint (32) |
| Brigand's Cruel Blade | | 3 86 | Quested From: A Formal Complaint (32) |
| Bright Steel Axe | 21 | 2 92 | Crafted |
| Bright Steel Dagger | 22 | 1 93 | Crafted |
| Broadsword | 13 | 1 99 | |
| Broadsword | 17 | 1 94 | Sold by: Jess Fairchild |
| Broadsword | 44 | 3 83 | |
| Broadsword | 47 | 4 4 | |
| Broadsword of Determination | 21 | 2 66 | |
| Broadsword of the South Kingdom | 12 | 1 91 | Dropped by: Big Tom, Brigand Knave, Brigand Robber, ... |
| Broadsword of Vigour | 11 | 2 74 | |
| Brogur's Axe | | 9 6 | Quested From: Book 3. Chapter 2: A Long Way from Home (54) |
| Bronwechathol | 58 | 9 62 | |
| Bronwehigil | 50 | 7 95 | Sold by: Egbert Dirchins |
| Bronwenaith | 50 | 11 25 | Sold by: Cathorn |
| Bronwennam | | 4 33 | Quested From: Bloodwing (44) |
| Bronweron | 60 | 10 2 | Sold by: Gurdagnir |
| Bronze Axe | 7 | 1 45 | Crafted |
| Bronze Dagger | 7 | 81 | Crafted |
| Bronze Sword | 7 | 1 66 | Quested From: Introduction to Weaponsmithy (Dwarf) (1), Introduction to Weaponsmithy (Elf) (1), Introduction to Weaponsmithy (Hobbit) (1), ... Crafted |
| Brownlock's Blade | | 1 14 | Quested From: The Wolf in Exile (8) |
| Brownlock's Knife | | 5 55 | Quested From: A Burglar's Errand (30) |
| Brownlock's Mace | | 96 | Quested From: Wolves at Waymeet (7) |
| Bruni's Slayer | | 3 34 | Quested From: Birds of a Feather (29) |
| Bullroarer's Son | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Bullroarer's Tankard | | 5 | Quested From: Bullroarer's Challenge (10) |
| Burglar's Friend | | 4 97 | Quested From: A Secret Club (25), Instance: A Secret Club (25) |
| Burglar's Mace of the Third Age | 53 | None | Sold by: Nindolfeth, Orgold, Sally Bean |
| Butter Knife | | 42 | Sold by: Maneser Goodbody |
| Butterbur's Longsword | | 1 74 | Quested From: To a Ranger's Aid (14) |
| Callum's Mace | | 1 72 | Quested From: Bandages for Callum (10) |
| Candelleth's Blade | | 8 50 | Quested From: Chapter 6: A Cheerless Land (50) |
| Carapace Carver | | 5 40 | Quested From: Claws of the Deep (51) |
| Carved Black Ash Hammer | 47 | 8 47 | Crafted |
| Carved Lebethron Hammer | 35 | 6 79 | Crafted |
| Carved Yew Hammer | 27 | 5 25 | Crafted |
| Catchpole's Club | | 1 44 | Quested From: Mourning the Dead (9) |
| Celairant's Mace | | 1 64 | Quested From: The Elf-sword (15) |
| Celairant's Sword | | 1 66 | Quested From: The Elf-sword (15) |
| Celegdram | | 6 23 | Quested From: Grimbark's Reclamation (31) |
| Celeglang | | 5 70 | Quested From: Book II: Chapter 15: (Fellowship) The Red-Pass (30), Book II: Chapter 15: (Solo) The Red-Pass (30) |
| Cempedge | | 11 2 | Quested From: Stronger Competition (68) |
| Chasing Hammer | 29 | 2 77 | Sold by: Donan Finloch |
| Chasing Hammer | 48 | 4 91 | Dropped by: Armoured Krahjarn, Krahjarn Bruiser, Krahjarn Heaver |
| Chasing Hammer of Fleetness | 42 | 4 41 | Dropped by: Angmarim High-priest, Angmarim Lookout, Caitir Adder-kiss |
| Chasing Hammer of Stone-cutting | 44 | 4 57 | |
| Chisel-Edge Hammer | 11 | 1 51 | Dropped by: White Hand Guard, White Hand Spear-thrower Sold by: Aglinn |
| Chisel-edge Hammer | 14 | 1 72 | |
| Chisel-edge Hammer | 17 | 1 93 | Sold by: Jess Fairchild |
| Chisel-edge Hammer | 21 | 2 64 | |
| Chisel-edge Hammer | 22 | 2 73 | |
| Chisel-edge Hammer | 29 | 3 32 | Dropped by: Creoth Apprentice, Creoth Chieftain, Creoth Devout, ... |
| Chisel-Edge Hammer | 31 | 3 40 | Dropped by: Chief's Worker |
| Chisel-edge Hammer of Arda | 12 | 1 89 | Dropped by: Warped Oak |
| Cilmion | 65 | 10 58 | |
| Cleanser of Nud-heden | | 69 48 | Quested From: Grodbog Nurses (57) |
| Club of Endurance | 55 | 5 51 | Dropped by: Gazathrug Enforcer, Gazathrug Lurker, Gazathrug Shadowbrand, ... |
| Club of Fleetness | 75 | 7 19 | Dropped by: Khundolar Archer, Khundolar Berserker, Khundolar Captain, ... |
| Club of Fortitude | 40 | 7 49 | |
| Club of the Adventurer | 15 | 3 58 | |
| Club of the Strong-arm | 52 | 9 18 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Club of the Withywindle | 24 | 8 96 | |
| Common Axe of Deep Wounds | 20 | 7 8 | |
| Common Axe of the Stalwart | 20 | None | |
| Common Dagger of the Nimble | 20 | 4 35 | |
| Common Mace of Furious Echoes | 20 | 7 5 | |
| Common Sword of the Swift and Strong | 20 | 7 8 | |
| Congrist | 50 | 12 75 | Sold by: Himhul |
| Constable's Hammer | | 2 14 | Quested From: Chapter 3: Blackwolds Broken (15) |
| Cournir's Axe | | 5 10 | Quested From: Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone (46) |
| Course Crasher | | 9 90 | Quested From: The Final Offence (60) |
| Crafted Axe of Deep Wounds | 20 | 7 92 | |
| Crafted Axe of the Stalwart | 20 | 7 92 | |
| Crafted Dagger of the Nimble | 20 | 5 19 | |
| Crafted Mace of Furious Echoes | 20 | 7 89 | |
| Crafted Sword of the Swift and Strong | 20 | 7 92 | |
| Creeping Crusher | | 9 32 | Quested From: The Local Wildlife is Deadly (54) |
| Creoth's Bane | | 3 42 | Quested From: Long Overdue Justice (30) |
| Crows-claw | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Cru-cledhu | 56 | 9 76 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Crude Club | | 48 | Dropped by: Blue-crag Defiler Sold by: Brinley Gardener, Filimer Took, Gareth Somerset, ... |
| Crude Club | 5 | 84 | Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Hodor Thornberry, Karl Quickfire |
| Crude Shortsword | | 1 | Dropped by: Blackwold Spy |
| Crushing Battle Hammer | 44 | 3 82 | Dropped by: Duvardain Blood-dancer, Duvardain Blood-guard, Duvardain Raider, ... |
| Cululang | 60 | 10 4 | Sold by: Gurdagnir |
| Cunning Branch | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Curuchathol | | 1 14 | Quested From: Cutting Cords (7) |
| Curudhram | 65 | 10 44 | Sold by: Mabon (Alraig Rewards Vendor) |
| Cururist | 58 | 14 43 | |
| Cururon | | 1 65 | Quested From: Goblins in the Valley (12) |
| Cutleaf's Handaxe | | 1 91 | Quested From: Cutleaf's Good Intentions (10) |
| Cutleaf's Mace | | 1 81 | Quested From: Cutleaf's Good Intentions (10) |
| Daemagol | 65 | 10 60 | Dropped by: Dungarth, Kaveran, Vark |
| Daerdring | | 12 29 | Quested From: Raid: Storvagun the Traitor (50) |
| Dagger | | None | |
| Dagger of Beleriand | 28 | 3 54 | |
| Dagger of Celepharn | 48 | 5 14 | |
| Dagger of Extermination | 62 | 3 90 | Dropped by: Morthrang |
| Dagger of Fate | 71 | 4 44 | Dropped by: Dunlending Abomination, Orc Abomination, Troll Abomination |
| Dagger of Keria | | 7 95 | Quested From: Book XIII, Chapter 11: Narchuil Goes South (50) |
| Dagger of Stone-cutting | 58 | 3 66 | Dropped by: Morroval-mistress |
| Dagger of the Badger | 48 | 5 14 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Dagger of the Eglan-soldier | 32 | 6 15 | Sold by: Freagyr |
| Dagger of the Juggler | 10 | 2 10 | Dropped by: Blackwold Poacher, Blackwold Scout |
| Dagger of the Just | 40 | 4 74 | |
| Dagger of the Night | | 7 59 | Quested From: Implements of the Night (50) |
| Dagger of the Spirit | 62 | 3 90 | |
| Dagorhigil | 50 | 7 95 | Sold by: Celoseth |
| Dannasen's Knife | 29 | 2 17 | Quested From: Vessel of Purity (31) |
| Dannasen's Oath | | 6 82 | Quested From: Reclaim the Lost Maiden (35) |
| Dannellas | | 4 18 | Quested From: The Riddle-master (36) |
| Dark-steel Sword of Might | 33 | 3 67 | Dropped by: Blogkritar |
| Dark-steel Sword of Ruin | 43 | 4 51 | Dropped by: Caitir Adder-kiss |
| Dark-steel Sword of Vigour | 42 | 4 43 | Dropped by: Duvardain Berserker, Duvardain Scout, Duvardain Sentry |
| Dark-steel Sword of Wounding | 24 | 2 92 | |
| Dashing Blade | 48 | 8 22 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Deadly Dagger | 45 | 4 90 | Dropped by: Munglug the Egg-keeper |
| Deep Cutter | 50 | 5 30 | |
| Defender of Gwingris | | None | Quested From: Remaining Goods (49) |
| Defender of Trestlebridge | | 5 56 | Quested From: Chapter 6, Part II: Defence of Trestlebridge (35) |
| Delicate Axe of Deep Wounds | 10 | None | |
| Delicate Axe of the Stalwart | 10 | 5 82 | |
| Delicate Dagger of the Nimble | 10 | 3 99 | |
| Delicate Mace of Furious Echoes | 10 | 5 79 | |
| Delicate Sword of the Swift and Strong | 10 | None | |
| Digweed's Hammer | | 3 23 | Quested From: Half-orc Schemer (28) |
| Dirk of Aughaire | | 5 30 | Quested From: Raid: Bogbereth (50) |
| Divider | 48 | 8 22 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Dolen-cledduf | | 11 2 | Quested From: Stronger Competition (68) |
| Donaith's Longsword | | 4 93 | Quested From: Thinning the Horde (49) |
| Doom of Gurzmat | | 7 52 | Quested From: Chapter 2: Troublesome Goblins (42) |
| Dori's Saviour | | 5 70 | Quested From: Chapter 4, Part II: Freeing Dori (35) |
| Dornhigul | 50 | 7 95 | Sold by: Egbert Dirchins |
| Double Bladed Axe of Strengthening | 41 | 4 34 | |
| Double Bladed Battle Axe of Vigour | 23 | 2 83 | |
| Double-ball Hammer of Stamina | 50 | 5 8 | |
| Drake-biter | | 8 36 | Quested From: Chapter 6: Thror's Hammer (48) |
| Dunedain Defender's Sledge | 36 | 6 51 | Sold by: Cannuion |
| Dunedain Longsword | | 5 | Quested From: Evil's Final Chapter (24) |
| Dunglamor | 50 | 5 30 | |
| Dunlending's Broad-bladed Axe | | 6 95 | Quested From: Evil Things (72) |
| Dunlending's Iron War Hammer | | 6 77 | Quested From: Back to Lhan Rhos (70) |
| Dusty Mountaineer Axe | | 5 84 | Quested From: A Formal Complaint (32), Northcotton Farmer's Market (30) |
| Dwarf Pick-axe | | None | |
| Dwarf-craft Axe | 31 | 3 76 | Crafted |
| Dwarf-Craft Dagger | 31 | 2 41 | Crafted |
| Dwarf-Craft Sword | 31 | 3 76 | Crafted |
| Dwarf-made Axe | 56 | 5 60 | Dropped by: Dark Spirit |
| Dwarf-made Dagger | 59 | 3 72 | Dropped by: Oshadhur |
| Dwarf-made Dagger | 62 | 3 90 | Dropped by: Orc-warrior |
| Dwarf-made Dagger of Might | 71 | 4 44 | Dropped by: Dunlending Abomination, Orc Abomination, Troll Abomination |
| Dwarf-made Sword | 57 | 5 69 | Dropped by: Cargul Forge-master |
| Dwarf-make Axe | 44 | 21 36 | Sold by: Authun |
| Dwarf-make Mace | 44 | 21 36 | Sold by: Authun |
| Edge of Valar | 50 | 8 50 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Egnassigil | | 9 90 | Quested From: Volume II, Epilogue: Sigileth's Knives (65) |
| Ein's Doom | | 5 30 | Quested From: Book XII, Chapter 3: Barad Tironn (50) |
| Elder's Doom | | 2 92 | Quested From: Elders in the Shadows (26) |
| Eldram | | 3 57 | Quested From: The Troll-keeper (33) |
| Elven Hunting-Dagger | 27 | 2 17 | Quested From: The Strength of the Smith, Part II (20) |
| Elven Leather Gloves | 2 | 39 | Sold by: Hithbar |
| Elven Leather Gloves | 5 | 64 | Sold by: Hithbar |
| Elven-Steel Axe | 42 | 4 68 | Crafted |
| Elven-Steel Dagger | 42 | 2 80 | Crafted |
| Elven-Steel Sword | 42 | 4 43 | Crafted |
| Elvish Longsword of Might | 45 | 4 68 | |
| Ender of Udunion | | 8 47 | Quested From: Army of One (50) |
| Enduring Balanced Dagger of Fleetness | 31 | 2 27 | Dropped by: Gaunt Protector |
| Enduring Broadsword of Fleetness | 27 | 3 16 | |
| Enduring Hammer of Vigour | 72 | 6 94 | Dropped by: Cunbel, Ox-clan Archer, Ox-clan Captain, ... |
| Enduring Heavy Spiked Hand Axe of Stamina | 49 | 5 2 | |
| Enduring Long Spiked Hand Axe of Vigour | 36 | 3 92 | |
| Enduring Mace of the West | 60 | 6 1 | |
| Enduring Steel Battle Spear of Might | 28 | 2 65 | |
| Erchiel's Longsword | | 3 84 | |
| Erdram | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Erugrist | | 8 8 | Quested From: The Undiscovered Path (48) |
| Erymbes's Mace | | 15 3 | Quested From: Book 9, Chapter 6: Scouting Taur Morvith (62) |
| Erymbes's Sword | | 15 6 | Quested From: Book 9, Chapter 6: Scouting Taur Morvith (62) |
| Etched Yew Hammer | 27 | 3 40 | Crafted |
| Ever-shining Blade | 30 | 5 70 | |
| Exceptional Axe of Deep Wounds | 40 | None | |
| Exceptional Axe of the Stalwart | 40 | None | |
| Exceptional Dagger of the Nimble | 40 | 7 59 | |
| Exceptional Mace of Furious Echoes | 40 | 12 9 | |
| Exceptional Sword of the Swift and Strong | 40 | None | |
| Expertly Forged Arnorian Longword | 40 | 10 65 | Sold by: Celegdes |
| Exquisite Black Ash Hammer | 42 | 7 77 | Crafted |
| Eywind's Mace | | 4 58 | Quested From: Conflagration (45) |
| Faechathol | 60 | 10 4 | Sold by: Gurdagnir |
| Faedamil's Bane | | 8 47 | Quested From: Chapter 6: Thror's Hammer (48) |
| Faerdamil's Bane | | 8 47 | |
| Falco's Smasher | | 4 37 | Quested From: Fixing Falco's Folly (11) |
| Fall of the Mistress | | 6 96 | Quested From: Mistress of Shadows (42) |
| Fallbrot | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Fallen Rohirrim's Club | | 13 24 | Quested From: War Comes to Rohan (76) |
| Fargraf | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Fastonn | 47 | 8 8 | |
| Fated Dagger | | 1 35 | Quested From: Beneath the Greenfields (12) |
| Fauldush's Doom | | 8 33 | Quested From: An Unseen Hand (49) |
| Favargair Foil | | 3 57 | Quested From: The Troll-keeper (33) |
| Feeble Axe of Deep Wounds | 10 | None | |
| Feeble Axe of the Stalwart | 10 | 5 40 | |
| Feeble Dagger of the Nimble | 10 | 3 75 | |
| Feeble Mace of Furious Echoes | 10 | 5 37 | |
| Feeble Sword of the Swift and Strong | 10 | 4 35 | |
| Felling Axe | 5 | 90 | Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Hodor Thornberry, Karl Quickfire |
| Feminine Curve | | 9 34 | |
| Ferndur's Defeat | | 8 33 | Quested From: Raid: The Master of Imlad Balchorth (49) |
| Fighting Dagger | 5 | 61 | Sold by: Aglinn |
| Fighting Dagger | 8 | 1 9 | Dropped by: Brigand Boss, Brigand Poacher, Brigand Robber |
| Fighting Dagger | 8 | 91 | Dropped by: Blue-crag Novice, Blue-crag Spoiler, Blue-crag Trapper, ... Sold by: Aglinn |
| Fighting Dagger | 11 | 1 9 | Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot |
| Fighting Dagger | 14 | 1 21 | |
| Fighting Dagger | 17 | 1 33 | Dropped by: White Hand Thrasher Sold by: Jess Fairchild |
| Fighting Dagger | 20 | 1 45 | Dropped by: Oath-breaker Archer Sold by: Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Fighting Dagger | 23 | 1 57 | Dropped by: Oath-breaker Marksman Sold by: Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Fighting Dagger | 26 | 1 69 | Sold by: Donan Finloch |
| Fighting Dagger | 29 | 1 81 | Sold by: Donan Finloch |
| Fighting Dagger | 36 | 2 51 | |
| Fighting Dagger | 37 | 2 56 | |
| Fighting Dagger of Might | 22 | 1 83 | |
| Filigodrist | 50 | 7 95 | Sold by: Tongdir |
| Filigothigil | 65 | 6 80 | |
| Fimreg's Dirk | | 3 13 | Quested From: Further Upstream (50) |
| Fine Ash Hammer | 10 | 1 97 | Crafted |
| Fine Axe of Deep Wounds | 30 | None | |
| Fine Axe of the Stalwart | 30 | None | |
| Fine Bronze Axe | 7 | 1 74 | Crafted |
| Fine Bronze Dagger | 7 | 1 26 | Crafted |
| Fine Bronze Sword | 7 | 2 90 | Crafted |
| Fine Dagger | | 61 | Quested From: Honey-bears (9), Old Bloodtusk (5) |
| Fine Dagger of the Nimble | 30 | None | |
| Fine Gondorian Axe | 27 | 5 70 | Crafted |
| Fine Gondorian Dagger | 27 | 3 70 | Crafted |
| Fine Gondorian Sword | 27 | 5 70 | Crafted |
| Fine Iron Axe | 10 | 1 99 | Crafted |
| Fine Iron Dagger | 10 | 1 26 | Crafted |
| Fine Lebethron Hammer | 31 | 6 23 | Crafted |
| Fine Longsword | | 90 | Quested From: Old Bloodtusk (5) |
| Fine Mace of Furious Echoes | 30 | 9 57 | |
| Fine Steel Axe | 16 | 3 74 | Crafted |
| Fine Steel Dagger | 16 | 2 58 | Crafted |
| Fine Steel Sword | 16 | 4 16 | Crafted |
| Fine Sword of the Swift and Strong | 30 | 9 60 | |
| Firework Starter | | 1 43 | Quested From: Flare For Danger (11) |
| Fist of the Dwarves | 47 | 5 8 | Quested From: The Strength of the Smith, Part IV (40) Crafted |
| Flat-head Hammer of Vigour | 44 | 4 58 | Dropped by: Snow-troll Ripper |
| Flat-headed Mace | 20 | 2 14 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Flat-Headed Mace | 23 | 2 35 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn, Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Flat-headed Mace | 26 | 2 56 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Flat-headed Mace | 32 | 3 57 | Dropped by: Ongburz Warg-keeper |
| Flat-Headed Mace | 41 | 3 61 | Dropped by: Gabilazan Champion, Gabilazan Defender, Gabilazan Guard, ... |
| Flat-headed Mace of Extermination | 17 | 2 31 | |
| Flat-headed Mace of Fleetness | 17 | 2 31 | |
| Flat-headed Mace of Strengthening | 34 | 3 74 | Dropped by: Ivar the Blood-hand |
| Flawless Galadhrim Axe of Combat | 60 | 14 85 | Crafted |
| Flawless Galadhrim Axe of Tactics | 60 | 14 85 | Crafted |
| Flawless Galadhrim Mace of Combat | 60 | 14 82 | Crafted |
| Flawless Galadhrim Mace of Morale | 60 | 14 82 | Crafted |
| Flawless Galadhrim Sword of Combat | 60 | 14 85 | Crafted |
| Flawless Galadhrim Sword of Tactics | | 14 85 | Crafted |
| Flosi's Knife | | 91 | Quested From: The Lost Tool (6) |
| Foe of Mordirith | | 8 50 | Quested From: Chapter 5: Mordirith's Fall (50) |
| Foe of the Iron-crown | | 4 50 | Quested From: The Far Reaching Hand (42) |
| Forged Dwarf-Craft Axe | 31 | 3 76 | Crafted |
| Forged Dwarf-Craft Dagger | 31 | 2 41 | Crafted |
| Forged Dwarf-craft Mace | 31 | 3 74 | Crafted |
| Forged Dwarf-Craft Sword | 31 | 3 76 | Crafted |
| Forged Elven-steel Axe | 48 | 8 50 | Crafted |
| Forged Elven-steel Dagger | 48 | 5 30 | Crafted |
| Forged Elven-steel Mace | 42 | 7 77 | Crafted |
| Forged Elven-steel Sword | 42 | 7 80 | Crafted |
| Forged Spike Mace | 11 | 1 51 | Dropped by: White Hand Archer |
| Forged Spiked Mace | 8 | 1 20 | Dropped by: Blue-crag Novice, Blue-crag Spoiler, Blue-crag Trapper Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot, Cooper Basilleaf |
| Forged Spiked Mace | 11 | 1 51 | Dropped by: White Hand Pillager Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot |
| Forged Spiked Mace | 14 | 1 72 | |
| Forged Steel Axe | 16 | 4 16 | Crafted |
| Forged Steel Dagger | 16 | 2 82 | Crafted |
| Forged Steel Mace | 16 | 4 13 | Crafted |
| Forged Steel Sword | 16 | 4 16 | Crafted |
| Fortified Black Ash Hammer | 47 | 12 71 | Crafted |
| Fortified Lebethron Hammer | 35 | 6 79 | Crafted |
| Frail Longsword | | 78 | Quested From: Spiders at the Walls (4) |
| Frostvin | 50 | 5 30 | |
| Gadaric's Blade | | 2 83 | Quested From: Vengeance for the Lost (23) |
| Gaelhigil | 58 | 6 10 | |
| Gaerol | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Galadhrim Axe of Combat | 60 | 9 90 | Crafted |
| Galadhrim Axe of Tactics | 60 | 9 90 | Crafted |
| Galadhrim Dagger | 60 | 6 30 | Crafted |
| Galadhrim Mace of Combat | 60 | 9 88 | Crafted |
| Galadhrim Mace of Morale | 60 | 9 88 | Crafted |
| Galadhrim Sword of Combat | 60 | 9 90 | Crafted |
| Galadhrim Sword of Tactics | 60 | 9 90 | Crafted |
| Gamli's Fly-swatter | | 8 76 | Quested From: The Trouble With Gredbyg (52) |
| Gathrok's Foe | | 8 62 | Quested From: Lawlessness Among Goblins (52) |
| Geitir's Club | | 1 8 | Quested From: Quenching a Thirst (7) |
| Gertheryg Hunter | | 8 5 | Quested From: Stamping out the Enemy (49) |
| Gilnaith | 50 | 5 30 | |
| Gisli's Axe | 6 | 1 2 | |
| Gleaming Axe | 55 | 5 52 | Dropped by: Gazathrug Enforcer, Gazathrug Lurker, Gazathrug Shadowbrand, ... |
| Gleaming Battle Pick | 47 | 4 83 | Dropped by: Armoured Krahjarn, Krahjarn Bruiser, Krahjarn Heaver |
| Gleaming Great Club of Stone-cutting | 54 | 5 42 | Dropped by: Mine-overseer |
| Gleaming Mace of Extermination | 65 | 10 58 | |
| Gleaming Mace of Vigour | 70 | 6 77 | Dropped by: Dunlending Abomination, Orc Abomination, Troll Abomination |
| Gleaming Scimitar | 17 | 2 33 | |
| Gleaming Spiked Hatchet | 29 | 3 34 | |
| Gleaming Sword | 54 | 9 6 | Dropped by: Mine-overseer |
| Gleaming Sword | 60 | 5 94 | Dropped by: Moria Orc-berserker |
| Gloom Shank | 49 | 5 22 | |
| Goblin Knee-capper | | 9 60 | Quested From: Locating the Advance Guard (58) |
| Goblin-hewer | | 8 78 | Quested From: Cleaning the Slate (52) |
| Golden Axe of Might | 66 | 6 44 | Dropped by: Dievlig Wight |
| Golden Host Club of Defence | 65 | 10 30 | Crafted |
| Golden Host Club of Force | 65 | 10 30 | Crafted |
| Golden Host Club of Striking | 65 | 10 30 | Crafted |
| Golden Host Club of Warding | 65 | 10 30 | Crafted |
| Golden Wood Club | 60 | 9 88 | Crafted |
| Golden Wood Hammer | 60 | 9 88 | Crafted |
| Goldram | 50 | 12 71 | Sold by: Faradwon |
| Gollang | | 2 24 | Quested From: Breaking Alliances (19), Broken Alliance (16) |
| Gollonn | | 4 33 | Quested From: Muirathakh, The Silent Judge (44) |
| Golulang | 60 | 10 4 | Sold by: Gurdagnir |
| Gondorian Axe | 27 | 3 42 | Crafted |
| Gondorian Dagger | 27 | 2 22 | Crafted |
| Gondorian Sword | 27 | 3 42 | Crafted |
| Gorr-brand | 58 | 9 62 | Sold by: Celoseth |
| Gramsire | 44 | 7 66 | |
| Gramsweld | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Granger's Axe | | 78 | Quested From: Stolen Treasures (4) |
| Grimbriar's Knife | | 3 22 | Quested From: Purging the Dead (24) |
| Guardian's Axe | | 3 60 | Quested From: A Blade of Renown (15) |
| Gwathlang | 38 | 6 82 | Dropped by: Megoriath |
| Gwathryn's Mace | | 8 47 | Quested From: Book XII, Chapter 9: Weapons of the Enemy (50) |
| Half-orc Stalker | | 5 30 | Quested From: Expedition: Orders for Half-orcs (50) |
| Halli's Hand | 45 | 7 80 | |
| Halros' Longsword | | 1 74 | Quested From: Goblin Foothold (12) |
| Hammer of Azanulbizar | 28 | 5 39 | |
| Hammer of Baldor | 14 | 3 44 | |
| Hammer of Endurance | 53 | 8 90 | Dropped by: Gularan Warrior |
| Hammer of the Longbeards | 19 | 4 13 | |
| Hammer of the Mines | 46 | 7 91 | |
| Hammer of the Starkhorn | 10 | 2 88 | |
| Hammer-mace | 26 | 2 55 | Dropped by: Oath-breaker Archer, Ongburz Ravager Sold by: Donan Finloch |
| Hammer-Mace | 29 | 2 77 | Dropped by: Scouting Tomb-robber, Veteran Tomb-robber Sold by: Donan Finloch, Windle Moorneedle |
| Hammer-mace | 34 | 3 74 | Dropped by: Ongburz Warg-keeper |
| Hammer-mace | 44 | 3 82 | Dropped by: Overland Bomber, Overland Guard, Overland Overseer, ... |
| Hand Axe | 5 | 90 | Dropped by: Southern Warrior Sold by: Aglinn, Duri Bold-hammer |
| Hand Axe | 8 | 1 26 | Dropped by: Blackwold Lookout, Gramsfoot Advancer, Gramsfoot Piercer, ... Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot, Cooper Basilleaf, ... |
| Hand Axe | 11 | 1 52 | Dropped by: Dourhand Warrior, Foul-arrow White Hand, White Hand Pillager Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot, Cooper Basilleaf |
| Hardened Ash Hammer | 10 | 3 29 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bright Steel Axe | 21 | 4 86 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bright Steel Axe of Tactics | 28 | 5 84 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bright Steel Dagger | 21 | 2 98 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bright Steel Sword | 21 | 4 86 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bronze Axe | 7 | 2 90 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bronze Dagger | 7 | 2 10 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bronze Mace | 7 | 2 87 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bronze Sword | 12 | 3 60 | Crafted |
| Hardened Iron Axe | 10 | 3 32 | Crafted |
| Hardened Iron Dagger | 10 | 2 34 | Crafted |
| Hardened Iron Mace | 13 | 2 87 | Crafted |
| Hardened Iron Sword | 10 | 3 32 | Crafted |
| Hardened Rowan Hammer | 7 | 2 87 | Crafted |
| Harvester | 49 | 8 36 | |
| Hatchet | | 1 | Quested From: Skip Tutorial (Dwarf) (3) |
| Hatchet | | 54 | Sold by: Hodor Thornberry |
| Hatchet | 17 | 1 94 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn, Jess Fairchild |
| Hatchet | 20 | 2 15 | Dropped by: Nishruk, Nurzurz, White Hand Battler, ... Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn, Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Hatchet | 35 | 3 20 | Dropped by: Hillmen Skirmisher |
| Hausdrepa | 50 | 8 47 | Dropped by: Tarlug |
| Hawkling's Knife | | 1 45 | Quested From: Wolf-pelts (17) |
| Heart-pounder | 48 | 8 19 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Heavy Ash Hammer | 10 | 1 97 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bright Steel Axe | 21 | 2 92 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bright Steel Dagger | 21 | 1 93 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bright Steel Mace | 21 | 2 90 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bright Steel Sword | 21 | 2 92 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bronze Axe | 7 | 1 74 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bronze Dagger | 7 | 1 26 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bronze Mace | 7 | 1 72 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bronze Sword | 7 | 1 74 | Crafted |
| Heavy Iron Axe | 10 | 1 99 | Crafted |
| Heavy Iron Dagger | 10 | 1 40 | Crafted |
| Heavy Iron Mace | 10 | 1 97 | Crafted |
| Heavy Iron Sword | 10 | 1 99 | Crafted |
| Heavy Ornate Mace | 29 | 2 77 | |
| Heavy Ornate Mace of Feetness | 41 | 4 33 | Dropped by: Duvardain Berserker, Duvardain Scout, Duvardain Sentry |
| Heavy Rowan Hammer | 7 | 1 72 | Crafted |
| Heavy Spiked Hand Axe of Vigour | 37 | 4 1 | |
| Heavy Spiked Mace | 14 | 2 6 | |
| Heavy Spiked Mace of Determination | 16 | 2 23 | |
| Heavy Spiked Mace of Fleetness | 19 | 2 48 | |
| Heavy Spiked Mace of Might | 22 | 2 73 | Dropped by: Nishruk, Nurzurz, White Hand Battler, ... |
| Heavy Spiked Mace of the Goblin-Wars | 13 | 1 97 | |
| Heavy Spiked War Axe | 21 | 3 16 | |
| Heavy Spiked War Axe | 34 | 3 76 | Dropped by: Deadly Wight, Fell Wight, Twisted Wight |
| Heavy Spiked War Axe of the Goblin-Wars | 21 | 2 66 | |
| Heavy Steel Hatchet | 45 | 7 80 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Heavy Yew Club | 21 | 2 90 | Crafted |
| Heavy Yew Hammer | 21 | 2 90 | Crafted |
| Hefna | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Helchgam's Conqueror | | 8 33 | Quested From: Heart of the Waters (50) |
| Helm Crusher | | 3 49 | Quested From: Ravaging Orc-Bounty (32) |
| Hithlim's Mace | | 3 65 | Quested From: Siegecraft (34) |
| Hjor's Grief | | 8 47 | Quested From: Caradhras the Cruel (50) |
| Honed Axe | | 1 8 | Quested From: Intro: The Ritual Stones (4), The Courageous Farmhands (4) |
| Honed Blade | | 1 8 | Quested From: Intro: The Ritual Stones (4), The Courageous Farmhands (4) |
| Honed Dagger | | 1 8 | Quested From: Intro: The Ritual Stones (4), The Courageous Farmhands (4) |
| Hope-bringer | 50 | 8 47 | Dropped by: Mormoz |
| Hunter of Tarkrip | | 2 65 | Quested From: Master of the Lash (27) |
| Hunulf's Dagger | | 1 78 | Quested From: Weavers Beneath the Ruins (24) |
| Huorn Purger | | 3 40 | Quested From: Merciful Release (30) |
| Ida's Sword | | 7 80 | Quested From: Reclaiming the Homestead (46) |
| Idol Smasher | | 8 5 | Quested From: Into the Bails (49) |
| Ilex Club | 54 | 9 4 | Crafted |
| Ill-kept Bandit's Sword | | 5 98 | Quested From: A Formal Complaint (32) |
| Indor's Blade | | 7 10 | Quested From: A Surprising Taste (41) |
| Inherited Warhammer | | 5 81 | Quested From: Northcotton Farmer's Market (30) |
| Inufileg's Companion | | 5 14 | Quested From: Destroying their means (48) |
| Iordam | | 5 8 | Quested From: Chapter 5: Springing the Trap (50) |
| Iornaith's Bane | | 1 74 | Quested From: Spider-bane (9) |
| Iron Axe | 10 | 1 45 | Crafted |
| Iron Axe | 13 | 1 45 | Crafted |
| Iron Dagger | 10 | 1 5 | Crafted |
| Iron Dagger | 13 | 1 5 | Crafted |
| Iron Sword | 10 | 1 66 | Crafted |
| Ironband's Club | | 2 48 | Quested From: Stolen Notes (20) |
| Ithilcrist | 65 | 10 46 | Sold by: Cannuion (Rewards), Legrindavor (Rewards) |
| Jarnbrot | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Keen Bear Knife of the North | 50 | 3 18 | |
| Keen Broadsword | 47 | 4 85 | |
| Keen Double-ball Hammer | 50 | 5 8 | Dropped by: Mura |
| Keen Heavy Spiked Hand Axe of the West | 47 | 4 85 | |
| Keen Long Hammer-Mace | 50 | 5 8 | Dropped by: Morroval |
| Kekkonen's Hammer | | 2 98 | Quested From: Pursued by the Past (29) |
| Ketill's Longsword | | 1 14 | |
| Knife | | 1 | Quested From: Skip Tutorial (Dwarf) (3) |
| Knife of the Barrows | 20 | 1 74 | |
| Knocker | 45 | 7 77 | Dropped by: Munglug the Egg-keeper |
| Ladgris | | 7 10 | Quested From: Chapter 5: Hiding In The Dark (39) |
| Laerdan's Axe | | 8 50 | Quested From: Book VIII, Chapter 1: The Flickering Flame (49) |
| Laergil's Mace | | 1 97 | Quested From: A Deathly Task (14) |
| Laingalad | | 8 36 | Quested From: Quenching the Flames (50) |
| Lanchigil | | 9 90 | Quested From: Volume II, Epilogue: Sigileth's Knives (65) |
| Leafcutter's Edge | | 4 86 | Quested From: Collecting History (23) |
| Lebethron Hammer | 31 | 3 74 | Crafted |
| Lethall-edge | 58 | None | |
| Likmund's Sword | | 8 78 | Quested From: Plenty to Go Around†(53) |
| Long Hammer-mace | 32 | 2 97 | Dropped by: Ongburz Spear-tosser |
| Long Hammer-mace | 35 | 3 18 | Dropped by: Hillmen Skirmisher |
| Long Hammer-Mace | 37 | 3 99 | |
| Long Hammer-mace | 38 | 3 40 | Dropped by: Deadly Tomb-robber, Hardened Tomb-robber, Master Tomb-robber |
| Long Hammer-Mace of Might | 44 | 4 58 | Dropped by: Snow-troll Ripper |
| Long Handled Axe | | 2 30 | Sold by: Hagan Storm-Sword |
| Long Spiked Hand Axe | 13 | 1 99 | |
| Long Spiked Hand Axe | 18 | 2 41 | |
| Long Spiked Hand Axe of Vigour | 49 | 5 2 | Dropped by: Gadhup |
| Long-Hammer Mace | 35 | 3 19 | |
| Long-Hammer Mace | 38 | 3 40 | |
| Long-Handled Spear | 46 | 3 47 | Dropped by: Dourhand Blaster, Dourhand Blaster, Dourhand Excavator, ... |
| Longsword | 9 | 1 66 | Dropped by: Blackwold Lookout, Blackwold Outlaw, Blackwold Poacher, ... |
| Longsword | 11 | 1 52 | Dropped by: Morley the Fierce Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot, Brinley Gardener, ... |
| Longsword | 18 | 2 41 | |
| Longsword | 20 | 2 15 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Longsword | 23 | 2 36 | Dropped by: Creoth Apprentice, Creoth Chieftain, Creoth Devout, ... Sold by: Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Longsword | 25 | 3 | |
| Longsword | 26 | 2 57 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Windle Moorneedle |
| Longsword | 29 | 2 78 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Windle Moorneedle |
| Longsword | 32 | 2 99 | Dropped by: Ongburz Berserker Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Longsword | 39 | 4 18 | Dropped by: Blogmal Pillager |
| Longsword | 44 | 3 83 | |
| Longsword of Determination | 34 | 3 76 | Dropped by: Blogkritar |
| Longsword of Might | 18 | 2 41 | |
| Longsword of Might | 48 | 4 93 | Dropped by: Dourhand Captain, Dourhand Looter, Dourhand Miner |
| Longsword of the Spirit | 46 | 4 76 | |
| Longsword of Vigour | 25 | 3 | |
| Lost Minstrel's Sword | | 9 20 | Quested From: Remembering the Old Songs (54) |
| Lubach's Crusher | | 1 89 | Quested From: Beneath the Greenfields (12) |
| Mace of the Brown Wizard | | 3 40 | Quested From: Fallen Oak (31) |
| Mace of the Eldar | 48 | 8 19 | |
| Mace of the Greywood | 27 | 5 25 | |
| Mace of the Last Stand | | 9 60 | Sold by: Halgils |
| Mace of the Unwavering | 48 | 8 47 | |
| Mace of the Woodlands | 13 | 3 29 | Dropped by: Gramsfoot Guard |
| Maedhrusc's Mace | | 7 7 | Quested From: Putting Down the Dead (41) |
| Maethathol | | 4 18 | Quested From: A Better Sort of Giant (40) |
| Maethigil | 60 | 9 90 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Maethmegil | 50 | 7 95 | Sold by: Forgamdir |
| Malendol's Sword | | 15 6 | Quested From: Book 9, Chapter 6: Scouting Taur Morvith (62) |
| Malledhrim Axe of Defence | 65 | 10 32 | Crafted |
| Malledhrim Axe of Force | 65 | 10 32 | Crafted |
| Malledhrim Axe of Striking | 100 | 10 32 | Crafted |
| Malledhrim Axe of Warding | 65 | 10 32 | Crafted |
| Marcho's Edge | 47 | 5 6 | |
| Maribell's Defender | | 2 7 | Quested From: A Blade For A Life (15) |
| Marked-blade | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Master-crafted Axe of Deep Wounds | 40 | None | |
| Master-crafted Axe of the Stalwart | 40 | 11 28 | |
| Master-crafted Dagger of the Nimble | 40 | 7 11 | |
| Master-crafted Mace of Furious Echoes | 40 | None | |
| Master-crafted Sword of the Swift and Strong | 40 | None | |
| Mathi's Axe | 5 | 90 | Quested From: Frostmantle (5) |
| Matron's Bane | | 3 59 | Quested From: Mother of the Valley (33) |
| Medliron | | 2 65 | Quested From: The Scout Becomes the Hunter (22) |
| Melkolf's Art | | 9 18 | Quested From: The Carver's Stash (55) |
| Merilos's Mace | | 8 47 | Quested From: Chapter 10: A Pouch of Gems for a Box of Keys (50) |
| Mestari-vimma Sword | 42 | 36 | Crafted |
| Metal Club | 16 | 2 23 | |
| Metal Club | 17 | 1 93 | Dropped by: Tarkrip Shooter Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Metal Club | 23 | 2 34 | Dropped by: Ongburz Warrior Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Metal Club | 26 | 2 56 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Metal Club of Arda | 15 | 2 14 | |
| Metal Club of Ruin | 33 | 3 65 | |
| Metal Club of the Goblin-wars | 32 | 3 57 | Dropped by: Deadly Wight, Fell Wight, Twisted Wight |
| Metal Club of Wounding | 25 | 2 98 | Dropped by: Shornbeard Chief, Shornbeard Outlaw, Shornbeard Overseer, ... |
| Minstrel's Friend | | 3 57 | Quested From: A Song for the Company (15) |
| Mirdram | | 7 7 | |
| Mirrored Ancient Steel Axe | 47 | 12 71 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Ancient Steel Dagger | 50 | 8 40 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Ancient Steel Mace | 47 | 12 71 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Ancient Steel Sword | 50 | 13 38 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Gondorian Dagger | 27 | 3 46 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Gondorian Sword | 27 | 5 28 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Westernesse Axe | 35 | 6 82 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Westernesse Dagger | 35 | 4 34 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Westernesse Sword | 41 | 7 66 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Westernesse Sword of Combat | 41 | 11 49 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Westernesse Sword of Tactics | 41 | 11 49 | Crafted |
| Mudbottom's Bane | | 1 35 | Quested From: Fixing Falco's Folly (11) |
| Muildir's Knife | | 5 30 | Quested From: Chapter 7: The Door to Delossad (50) |
| Munce's Axe | | 2 50 | Quested From: Hunters Become Prey (23) |
| Munce's Carver | | 1 98 | Quested From: Our Greatest Find (25) |
| Nenhigil | 36 | 4 18 | Dropped by: Naruhel |
| New Club | | 47 | Quested From: The Lost Lore of Edhelion (2) |
| New Hammer | | 71 | Quested From: The Lost Lore of Edhelion (2) |
| New Mace | | 47 | Quested From: Fear of Collapse (2) |
| Nishruk's Foe | | 2 73 | Quested From: The Goblin Leader (22), The Goblin-leader (25) |
| Northerner's Thin Blade | | 6 44 | Quested From: Rising Tide (66) |
| Notched Bounder's Club | | 5 81 | Quested From: Northcotton Farmer's Market (30) |
| Nukhud's Ruin | | 8 47 | Quested From: The Wolves' Master (50) |
| Numenorean Axe of Stamina | 65 | 6 36 | |
| Numenorean Mace of Endurance | 65 | 6 35 | |
| Oak Club | 8 | 1 20 | Dropped by: Blackwold Lookout, Blackwold Outlaw, Blackwold Poacher, ... Sold by: Brinley Gardener, Cooper Basilleaf, Filimer Took, ... |
| Oak Club | 11 | 1 51 | Dropped by: Dourhand Warrior, White Hand Archer Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf |
| Oakheart's Dagger | | 4 2 | Quested From: Oakheart's Plight (32) |
| Oakheart's Defender | | 6 51 | Quested From: Oakheart's Flight (36) |
| Old Forester's Axe | | 1 66 | Quested From: Free the Tree (10) |
| Olnathron's Destruction | | 3 23 | Quested From: Mincham's Dream (28) |
| Olwir's Bane | | 1 51 | Quested From: A Gift for the North (10) |
| Olwir's Foil | 8 | 1 43 | Quested From: A Gift for the North (10) |
| Orc-slasher | 30 | 5 70 | |
| Orlygr's Hammer | | 1 32 | Quested From: Protecting the Hunt (10) |
| Ornate Black Ash Hammer | 47 | 12 71 | Crafted |
| Ornate Lebethron Hammer | 35 | 6 79 | Crafted |
| Ornate Longsword | 32 | 2 99 | |
| Ornate Longsword | 35 | 4 4 | |
| Ornate Longsword | 47 | 4 4 | Dropped by: Angmarim Scout, Angmarim Searcher |
| Ornate Mace | 26 | 2 56 | |
| Ornate Shortsword | 35 | 3 20 | |
| Othathol | | 8 36 | Quested From: Raid: The Master of Imlad Balchorth (49) |
| Othdram | | 7 7 | Quested From: Queen-mother (41) |
| Othdring | 50 | 12 71 | Dropped by: Istuigon |
| Othigil | | 3 54 | Quested From: Chapter 5, Part II: Tending the Glade (35) |
| Othlang | | 4 34 | Quested From: The Masters of the Mammoth (43) |
| Pakonka's Conqueror | | 6 23 | Quested From: Siege-master (35) |
| Paladin's Club | | 1 80 | Quested From: Took and A Tower (11) |
| Palanaer's Club | | 8 62 | Quested From: Ablaze within Tar Stazg (51) |
| Pampraush's Bane | 7 | 1 7 | |
| Peerless Silver Mallorn Hammer | 58 | 14 40 | Crafted |
| Pica-cledhu | 75 | 13 26 | |
| Pick Hammer | 5 | 84 | Sold by: Aglinn |
| Pick Hammer | 8 | 1 20 | Dropped by: Brigand Robber, Gramsfoot Hurler Sold by: Aglinn |
| Pick-axe | 44 | 3 83 | Dropped by: Blogmal Captain, Blogmal Defiler, Blogmal Skirmisher, ... |
| Pick-axe | 47 | 4 4 | Dropped by: Dourhand Gem-seeker, Dourhand Gem-seeker |
| Pipe-weed Defender | | 1 74 | Quested From: The Vigil (10) |
| Poacher's Cleaver | 60 | None | Quested From: Poaching: Protected Deer in Lorien (60) |
| Polished Ancient Steel Axe | 47 | 8 50 | Crafted |
| Polished Ancient Steel Dagger | 47 | 5 30 | Crafted |
| Polished Ancient Steel Mace | 47 | 8 47 | Crafted |
| Polished Ancient Steel Sword | 47 | 8 50 | Crafted |
| Polished Annuminas Longsword | 36 | 6 54 | Sold by: Cannuion |
| Polished Forester's Axe | 20 | 4 30 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Polished Gondorian Axe | 27 | 5 70 | Crafted |
| Polished Gondorian Dagger | 27 | 3 46 | Crafted |
| Polished Gondorian Mace | 27 | 5 67 | Crafted |
| Polished Gondorian Sword | 27 | 5 28 | Crafted |
| Polished Lebethron Hammer | 31 | 6 23 | Crafted |
| Polished Westernesse Axe | 35 | 6 82 | Crafted |
| Polished Westernesse Dagger | 35 | 4 34 | Crafted |
| Polished Westernesse Mace | 35 | 6 79 | Crafted |
| Polished Westernesse Sword | 35 | 6 82 | Crafted |
| Polished Westernesse Sword of Combat | 41 | 7 52 | Crafted |
| Polished Westernesse Sword of Tactics | 41 | 7 52 | Crafted |
| Precise Ancient Steel Axe | 47 | 12 75 | Crafted |
| Precise Ancient Steel Dagger | 47 | 7 95 | Crafted |
| Precise Ancient Steel Sword | 47 | 12 75 | Crafted |
| Precise Westernesse Axe | 35 | 6 82 | Crafted |
| Protector of Esteldin | | 8 64 | Quested From: Chapter 4: Esteldin's Fate (51) |
| Puncture | 48 | 5 30 | |
| Quicksilver's Mace | | 4 56 | Quested From: Enemies of the Eglain (25) |
| Randirdam | | 8 47 | Quested From: Expedition: Four Dwarves (50) |
| Raskwith's Blade | | 9 76 | Quested From: Digging West (59) |
| Rathskell | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Reaper of Cirith Rhiw | | 3 59 | |
| Refined Dwarf-craft Axe | 31 | 6 26 | Crafted |
| Refined Dwarf-craft Dagger | 31 | 4 2 | Crafted |
| Refined Dwarf-craft Sword | 31 | 6 26 | Crafted |
| Reforged Dunedain Hammer | 36 | 6 51 | Sold by: Celegdes |
| Reforged Dunedain Knife | 35 | 6 54 | Sold by: Celegdes |
| Reforged Dunedain Knife | 36 | 4 18 | Sold by: Cannuion |
| Reinforced Black Ash Hammer | 47 | 8 47 | Crafted |
| Reinforced Lebethron Hammer | 35 | 4 7 | Crafted |
| Remmenolf | 50 | 5 30 | |
| Restored Arnorian Hunter's Blade | 36 | 6 54 | Sold by: Celegdes |
| Reykur's Fall | | 5 67 | Quested From: Cutting off the Hand (31) |
| Reykur's Foil | | 5 67 | Quested From: Cutting off the Hand (31) |
| Rhuvel-bidog | 65 | 6 70 | Sold by: Mabon (Alraig Rewards Vendor) |
| Riamul's Purger | | 7 10 | Quested From: Captain Riamul (41) |
| Rib-breaker | 58 | 9 60 | |
| Rider's Deft Blade | 73 | 406 80 | Sold by: Rohirrim Quartermaster |
| Rigul's Bane | | 2 81 | Quested From: Book II, Chapter 5 (Fellowship): Retake Weathertop (23), Book II, Chapter 5 (Solo): Retake Weathertop (23) |
| Rondram | 58 | 9 60 | |
| Rongrist | | 7 10 | Quested From: The Blade that was Broken (40) |
| Root Club | 11 | 1 51 | Sold by: Brinley Gardener, Filimer Took, Gareth Somerset, ... |
| Root Club | 14 | 1 71 | Dropped by: Tarkrip Grunt |
| Rothgar's Axe | 7 | 1 26 | |
| Rounded Club | 38 | 3 40 | Dropped by: Barksin Wood-troll, Rotting Wood-troll |
| Rounded Mace | 5 | 84 | Sold by: Fanhir, Gilbor |
| Rowan Hammer | 7 | 1 44 | Crafted |
| Ruingurth | 38 | 4 50 | |
| Rusted Longsword | | 1 | Quested From: Skip Tutorial (Dwarf) (3) |
| Saellang | 50 | 12 75 | Dropped by: Istuigon |
| Sage's Blade | 50 | 36 | Sold by: Celegdes |
| Sam's Kitchen Knife | | 2 8 | Quested From: Setting the Trap (30) |
| Sambrog's Bane | | 4 86 | Quested From: Evil's Final Chapter (24) |
| Sandheaver's Hammer | | 2 22 | Quested From: Big Problems (30) |
| Sarnemil's Doom | | None | Quested From: Sarnemil's Flight (43) |
| Scabbard Chaser | | 1 60 | Quested From: A Price On Their Heads (18) |
| Scimitar | 5 | 1 8 | |
| Scimitar of Might | 15 | 2 16 | |
| Scimitar of the Hunter | 6 | 1 22 | Dropped by: Goblin |
| Shank | 58 | 6 10 | Sold by: Egbert Dirchins |
| Sharpened Dagger | | 1 1 | Quested From: Confront the Old Took (9) |
| Sharpened Ox Flayer | | 4 44 | Quested From: Punishing the Wicked (71) |
| Sharpened Ranger's Knife | 45 | 4 90 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Sharpshard Axe | | 4 26 | Quested From: The Last Ingot (45) |
| Sharptooth | 50 | 5 30 | |
| Shatterbone | 50 | 12 71 | Dropped by: Gruglok |
| Shining Axe of Stone-cutting | 65 | 6 36 | |
| Shining Balanced Dagger | 41 | 2 75 | |
| Shining Club | 56 | 5 59 | Dropped by: White Hand Warrior |
| Shining Dagger of the Goblin-wars | 53 | 3 36 | Dropped by: Uruk Battle-master |
| Shining Dagger of the Spirit | 60 | 3 78 | Dropped by: Globsnaga-troll |
| Shining Longsword | 19 | 2 50 | |
| Shining Longsword of Annuminas | 36 | 6 54 | Sold by: Celegdes |
| Shining Mace | 65 | 6 35 | |
| Shining Root Club | 46 | 4 75 | Dropped by: Snow-troll Ripper |
| Shining Scimitar | 25 | 3 | |
| Shining Scimitar of the North | 47 | 4 85 | Dropped by: Dourhand Excavator |
| Shining Stalwart Hammer | 30 | 3 40 | |
| Shining Steel Axe | 21 | 4 86 | Crafted |
| Shining Steel Dagger | 22 | 3 30 | Crafted |
| Shining Steel Sword | 21 | 4 44 | Crafted |
| Shiny Metal | | 4 42 | Quested From: Silken Strands (40) |
| Shire-ward's Knife | | 3 94 | Quested From: Seeking the Source (34) |
| Shiv | 58 | 6 10 | Sold by: Egbert Dirchins |
| Short Sword | 1 | 54 | Sold by: Gilbor |
| Shortsword | 1 | 54 | Sold by: Fanhir, Hodor Thornberry |
| Shortsword | 5 | 90 | Dropped by: Wild Gramsfoot Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Fanhir, Filimer Took, ... |
| Shortsword | 5 | 90 | Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot, Gilbor |
| Shortsword | 8 | 1 26 | Dropped by: Dourhand Warrior Sold by: Aglinn, Brinley Gardener, Cooper Basilleaf, ... |
| Shortsword | 14 | 1 73 | Dropped by: White Hand Archer, White Hand Grunt, White Hand Guard, ... |
| Shortsword | 29 | 2 78 | |
| Shortsword | 47 | 4 85 | Dropped by: Snow-troll Ripper |
| Siege Ender | | 3 74 | Quested From: Stopping the Siege (35) |
| Siege Slasher | | 2 65 | Quested From: Strength of Stone (41) |
| Silefalas's Axe | | 3 8 | Quested From: Insect Menace (27) |
| Silver Inlaid Arnorian Dagger | 40 | 10 65 | Sold by: Celegdes |
| Silver Mallorn Club | 58 | 9 60 | Crafted |
| Silver Mallorn Hammer | 58 | 9 60 | Crafted |
| Singed Sword of Force | 75 | 12 | Crafted |
| Singed Sword of Rebuke | 75 | 12 | Crafted |
| Skillfully Crafed Axe of the Stalwart | 30 | None | |
| Skillfully Crafed Sword of the Swift and Strong | 30 | None | |
| Skillfully Crafted Axe of Deep Wounds | 30 | None | |
| Skillfully Crafted Dagger of the Nimble | 30 | 5 91 | |
| Skillfully Crafted Mace of Furious Echoes | 30 | 9 15 | |
| Skinning Knife | 60 | 6 30 | Quested From: Poaching: Protected Deer in Lorien (60) |
| Skorgrim Harvester | | 78 | Quested From: A Deadly Bloom (4) |
| Skorgrim's Scourge | | 2 14 | Quested From: Prologue: Assault on Rath Teraig (12) |
| Slapper Fish | | 42 | Sold by: Halgur, Merellos (Spring), Sarabeth Gardener, ... |
| Slayer of Garthamendir | | 8 36 | Quested From: The Keeper Garthamendir (50) |
| Slayer of Rugh | | 9 48 | Quested From: Panic in the Ranks (57) |
| Slender Club | 29 | 2 77 | Dropped by: Ongburz Berserker Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Slender Club | 47 | 4 83 | |
| Small Blade of Buth Luikh | | 4 74 | Sold by: Buth Luikh Wound-counter Quested From: Dread in the Fallen City (44) |
| Small Hammer | | 1 | Dropped by: Blackwold, Blackwold Cutthroat, Blackwold Hoodlum, ... |
| Smithsof | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Smooth Ash Hammer | 20 | 4 55 | Crafted |
| Smooth Black Ash Club | 42 | 7 77 | Crafted |
| Smooth Black Ash Hammer | 42 | 7 77 | Crafted |
| Smooth Lebethron Club | 31 | 3 74 | Crafted |
| Smooth Lebethron Hammer | 31 | 3 74 | Crafted |
| Sniken's Fang | | 1 1 | Quested From: Neeker-friend (9) |
| Soltakh's Dagger | | 4 82 | Quested From: The Lord of the Western Marches (45) |
| Spider-biter | 48 | 8 22 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Spiked Hand Axe | 20 | 2 58 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe | 38 | 4 9 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of Arda | 20 | 2 58 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of Might | 38 | 4 9 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of Ruin | 33 | 3 67 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of the Hunter | 12 | 1 91 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of the Mountains | 27 | 3 17 | Dropped by: Wretched Wight |
| Spiked Hatchet | 19 | 2 49 | |
| Spiked Hatchet | 43 | 4 51 | |
| Spiked Hatchet of Inspiration | 48 | 4 93 | |
| Spiked Hatchet of Wounding | 29 | 3 34 | |
| Spiked Mace | 14 | 1 71 | |
| Spiked Mace | 17 | 1 93 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn, Jess Fairchild |
| Spiked Mace | 20 | 2 14 | Dropped by: Angered Tarkrip Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Spiked Mace | 32 | 2 98 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Spiked Mace | 44 | 3 82 | Dropped by: Dourhand Blaster, Dourhand Blaster, Dourhand Excavator, ... |
| Spiked Mace of Might | 39 | 4 15 | |
| Spiked War Hammer | 17 | 1 92 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Spiked War Hammer | 20 | 2 13 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Spiked War Hammer | 22 | 2 73 | |
| Spiked War Hammer | 23 | 2 34 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Spiked War Hammer | 27 | 3 15 | Dropped by: Fierce Ongburz, Killer Ongburz, Ongburz Battle-lord, ... |
| Spiked War Hammer of Fleetness | 28 | 3 23 | |
| Spiked War Hammer of Ruin | 36 | 3 91 | Dropped by: Gurkamab |
| Spiked War Hammer of Strengthening | 32 | 3 57 | |
| Spiked War Hammer of the Goblin-wars | 19 | 2 47 | |
| Spiked Wooden Mace | | 72 | Quested From: Stolen Treasures (4) |
| Spiked Wooden Mace | | 48 | Sold by: Fanhir, Gilbor |
| Spiked Wooden Mace | 5 | 84 | Dropped by: Blue-crag Defiler Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Hodor Thornberry, Karl Quickfire |
| Spirit Hammer | 48 | 8 47 | |
| Square Bat | 32 | 2 98 | Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Square Bat of Might | 39 | 4 16 | Dropped by: Galin |
| Staddlestick | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Stalwart | 47 | 8 5 | |
| Stalwart Hammer | 20 | 2 14 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Stalwart Hammer | 23 | 2 35 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Stalwart Hammer | 26 | 2 55 | Sold by: Donan Finloch |
| Stalwart Hammer of Stamina | 26 | 3 6 | |
| Stalwart Hammer of Wounding | 24 | 2 89 | |
| Stanric's Iron Mace | | 3 15 | Quested From: Clear Water (29) |
| Star Mace | 50 | 8 47 | |
| Steak Tenderizer | | 5 95 | |
| Steel Axe | 16 | 2 24 | Crafted |
| Steel Banded Mace | | 84 | Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot |
| Steel Dagger | 16 | 1 69 | Crafted |
| Steel Hammer | | 48 | Dropped by: Blue-crag Defiler Sold by: Hodor Thornberry |
| Steel Hammer | 5 | 84 | Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Hodor Thornberry, Karl Quickfire |
| Steel Spiked Mace | 17 | 2 31 | |
| Steel Spiked Mace | 18 | 2 39 | |
| Steel Spiked Mace | 20 | 2 56 | |
| Steel Spiked Mace | 23 | 2 81 | |
| Steel Spiked Mace of Extermination | 7 | 1 29 | |
| Steel Spiked Mace of Fate | 44 | 4 58 | |
| Steel Spiked Mace of Stamina | 17 | 2 31 | |
| Steel Sword | 16 | 2 50 | Crafted |
| Sterling Dagger | 45 | 5 14 | |
| Stone-biter | 50 | 12 75 | Dropped by: Helchgam |
| Stonebearer's Hammer | | 1 8 | Quested From: Cutting Cords (7) |
| Stonebearer's Knife | | 81 | |
| Storied Blade | | 9 20 | Quested From: Lest We Forget (55) |
| Stormhaft | | 12 33 | Quested From: Raid: Storvagun the Traitor (50) |
| Stout Ash Club | 16 | 2 48 | Crafted |
| Stout Ash Hammer | 16 | 2 48 | Crafted |
| Stout Rowan Hammer | 7 | 1 72 | Crafted |
| Stout Yew Hammer | 21 | 4 83 | Crafted |
| Stout-Heart | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Striking Hammer | 8 | 1 20 | Dropped by: Blackwold Lookout, Blackwold Outlaw, Blackwold Poacher, ... Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Karl Quickfire |
| Striking Hammer | 10 | 1 72 | Dropped by: Brigand Boss, Brigand Poacher, Brigand Robber |
| Striking Hammer | 11 | 1 51 | Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf |
| Striking Hammer | 14 | 1 71 | |
| Striking Hammer | 22 | 2 73 | |
| Striking Hammer of Extermination | 5 | 1 | |
| Striking Hammer of the Hunter | 15 | 2 14 | |
| Striking Hammer of Vigour | 16 | 2 22 | |
| Strong Ash Club | 16 | None | Crafted |
| Strong Ash Hammer | 16 | 4 13 | Crafted |
| Strong Axe of Deep Wounds | 30 | None | |
| Strong Axe of the Stalwart | 30 | None | |
| Strong Axe of Torment | 35 | 6 82 | |
| Strong Dagger of the Nimble | 30 | None | |
| Strong Mace of Furious Echoes | 30 | None | |
| Strong Sword of the Swift and Strong | 30 | None | |
| Studded Club | 47 | 4 3 | Dropped by: Krahjarn Captain, Krahjarn Dark-arrow, Krahjarn Defiler, ... |
| Sturdy Club | | 1 19 | Quested From: Eggs for Gammer Tunnelly (8) |
| Sturdy Took Dagger | | 1 30 | Quested From: Took and A Tower (11) |
| Superior Axe of the Stalwart | 40 | 11 70 | |
| Superior Dagger of the Nimble | 40 | 7 35 | |
| Superior Mace of Furious Echoes | 40 | 11 67 | |
| Superior Sword of the Swift and Strong | 40 | 11 70 | |
| Suri-kyla's Revenge | | 4 82 | Quested From: A Chill Wind (48) |
| Survivor's Blade | | 8 50 | Quested From: Chapter 8: Before the Doors of Durin (50) |
| Swift Ancient Longsword of Fate | 30 | 3 42 | |
| Swift Balanced Dagger | 5 | 73 | |
| Swift Balanced Dagger | 28 | 2 12 | |
| Swift Bear Knife | 20 | 1 74 | |
| Swift Bear Knife of Fate | 19 | 1 69 | |
| Swift Dagger of Extermination | 60 | 3 78 | Dropped by: Howling Overseer, Snarling Overseer, Vile Overseer, ... |
| Swift Fighting Dagger of Fate | 50 | 3 18 | |
| Swift Flat-head Hammer of Vigour | 50 | 5 8 | |
| Swift Flat-headed Mace | 16 | 2 22 | |
| Swift Great Oak Club of Stamina | 42 | 4 43 | |
| Swift Long Spiked Hand Axe | 22 | 2 74 | |
| Swift Long Spiked Hand Axe of Ruin | 50 | 5 10 | |
| Swift Longsword | 10 | 1 74 | |
| Swift Longsword of Wounding | 50 | 5 10 | Dropped by: Angmarim Sniper, Angmarim Warden |
| Swift Mace | 65 | 6 35 | Dropped by: Burzthrang Marauder, Burzthrang Poisoner, Burzthrang Ravager, ... |
| Swift Metal Club of Fate | 10 | 1 72 | |
| Swift Pick Hammer | 18 | 2 39 | |
| Swift Scimitar | 16 | 2 24 | |
| Swift Spiked Hatchet | 11 | 1 82 | Dropped by: Dour Ingo |
| Swift Spiked Hatchet | 23 | 2 83 | |
| Swift Steel Spiked Mace | 8 | 1 43 | Dropped by: Gramsfoot Advancer, Grouchy Tree |
| Swift War Cleaver | 45 | 4 68 | |
| Swift Wood Bat | 20 | 2 56 | |
| Swift Wood Bat of Vigour | 20 | 2 56 | |
| Swift-blade | 23 | 4 72 | Dropped by: Thadur the Ravager |
| Swiftstroke | | 12 33 | Quested From: Raid: Storvagun the Traitor (50) |
| Sword | 8 | 1 26 | Sold by: Filimer Took, Gareth Somerset, Gorhendad Greenholm, ... |
| Sword | 17 | 1 94 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Sword | 20 | 2 15 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Sword | 23 | 2 36 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Sword of Eregion | | 8 64 | Quested From: A Dark Secret Way (50) |
| Sword of Knowledge | | 12 12 | Quested From: Implements of Knowledge (50) |
| Sword of Reclamation | | 9 20 | Quested From: A Previous Expedition (55) |
| Sword of Stamina | 65 | 6 36 | |
| Sword of the Ancestors | | 4 34 | Quested From: Bloodstones (43) |
| Sword of the Eglan-defender | 32 | 9 60 | Sold by: Freagyr |
| Sword of the Eglan-mender | 32 | 9 60 | Sold by: Freagyr Crafted |
| Sword of the Forsaken Lands | | 2 66 | Quested From: Sever the White Hand (25) |
| Sword of the Hawk-eye | 58 | 9 62 | Sold by: Tongdir |
| Sword of the Learned Master | 58 | 9 62 | Sold by: Dayna |
| Sword of the Mountains | 60 | None | |
| Sword of the Suffering | 48 | 8 50 | |
| Sword of War | | None | Quested From: Implements of War (50) |
| Tactical Sword of Stone-cutting | 60 | 6 2 | Dropped by: Goblin-runner (Mirkwood) |
| Tallang | | 2 24 | Quested From: Chapter 10: Into the Barrow Downs (19) |
| Tarchathol | | 8 50 | Quested From: Aklash, the Leader of Soldiers (50) |
| Tarnished Blade | | 90 | Quested From: Intro: A Guardian's Shield Swipe (2), Intro: A Strong Shield (2), Intro: Dead-eye (2), ... |
| Tarnished Brigand's Sword | | 5 98 | Quested From: A Formal Complaint (32) |
| Tarnished Dagger | | 61 | Quested From: Intro: A Strong Voice (2), Intro: Dead-eye (2), Intro: Disarming the Competition (2), ... |
| Tauskakh's Doom | | 4 66 | Quested From: Chapter 8: The Unmarked Trail (40) |
| Tempered Dwarf-Craft Dagger | 31 | 4 2 | Crafted |
| Tempered Dwarf-Craft Mace | 31 | 6 23 | Crafted |
| Tempered Dwarf-Craft Sword | 31 | 6 26 | Crafted |
| Tempered Elven-steel Axe | 42 | 7 80 | Crafted |
| Tempered Elven-steel Dagger | 42 | 4 90 | Crafted |
| Thain's Axe | 58 | None | Crafted |
| Thain's Dagger | 58 | 6 10 | Crafted |
| Thain's Mace | 58 | 9 60 | Crafted |
| Thain's Sword | 58 | None | Crafted |
| Thaliongron | | 8 47 | Quested From: Book 8: Chapter 6: A Watchful Eye (50) |
| Thallist | | 2 70 | |
| Thalronn | | 8 47 | Quested From: Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone (46) |
| The Judge's Axe | | 4 42 | Quested From: Swamp-Dweller (44) |
| The Sword of a Thousand Riddles | | 9 62 | Quested From: Riddles in the Sunshine (58) |
| Thickfist's Thick-axe | | 8 64 | Quested From: Sealing the Gate (51) |
| Thief-takers Bane | | 6 79 | |
| Thindris | 52 | 13 80 | Dropped by: Thorog Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Thistlewool's Knife | | 71 | Quested From: Disease Among the Boars (6) |
| Thokbrot | 49 | 8 33 | |
| Thorkell's Vengeance | | 5 22 | Quested From: A Worm by the Tail (49) |
| Thunder Lord's Fall | | 8 5 | Quested From: Thunder in the Mountains (47) |
| Thunder-hammer of the Mearas | 31 | 5 81 | |
| Tollang | 50 | 12 75 | |
| Tollang | 64 | 16 32 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Tordram | 50 | 12 71 | Sold by: Celoseth |
| Toronn's Axe | | 1 14 | Quested From: The Days Ahead (7) |
| Torvegil | 65 | 10 32 | Dropped by: Durchest |
| Traveler's Knife | 20 | 2 90 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| True Golden Wood Club | 60 | 14 82 | Crafted |
| True Golden Wood Hammer | 60 | 14 82 | Crafted |
| Trusty Bree-land Club | 20 | 4 27 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Trusty Shire Knife | | 3 78 | Quested From: Northcotton Farmer's Market (30) |
| Tullang | | 9 60 | Quested From: Chapter 5: The Black Pit (60) |
| Tur en-Elbereth | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Turchathol | | 1 74 | Quested From: The Third Gear (12) |
| Turdam | 30 | 3 40 | Quested From: Meat for the Hungry (30) |
| Turhigil | | 4 50 | |
| Turonn | 26 | 2 98 | Quested From: The Dream Voice (26) |
| Turonn | 60 | 14 82 | |
| Turvagol | 58 | 9 62 | Sold by: Celoseth |
| Ulagar | 49 | 8 33 | |
| Ulfar's Hammer | | 1 19 | Quested From: The Dwarves of Needlehole (8) |
| Uruk Iron Club | | 8 19 | Quested From: The Enemy's Arms (49) |
| Vaiti-voima | 42 | 36 | Crafted |
| Vamma's Sword | | 7 94 | Quested From: He Who Leads (49) |
| Victory at Minas Caul | | 8 50 | Quested From: Balak, Emissary of the White-hand (50) |
| Victory at Minas Maur | | 8 50 | Quested From: Prakhum, Emissary of Goblin-Town (50) |
| Warg Router | | 1 93 | Quested From: Drawing The Pack (25) |
| Warrior's Axe | 56 | 9 34 | Crafted |
| Warrior's Blade | 50 | 36 | Sold by: Atharbain |
| Warrior's Edge | 46 | 34 40 | Sold by: Atharbain |
| Watcher's Mace | | 2 39 | Quested From: Haunted Forest (16) |
| Weakened Axe of Deep Wounds | 10 | 5 82 | |
| Weakened Axe of the Stalwart | 10 | 4 98 | |
| Weakened Dagger of the Nimble | 10 | 3 51 | |
| Weakened Mace of Furious Echoes | 10 | 4 95 | |
| Weakened Sword of the Swift and Strong | 10 | 4 98 | |
| Well-balanced Breeland Longsword | 45 | 7 80 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Well-made Axe of Deep Wounds | 20 | 7 50 | |
| Well-made Axe of the Stalwart | 20 | 7 50 | |
| Well-made Dagger of the Nimble | 20 | 4 95 | |
| Well-made Mace of Furious Echoes | 20 | 7 47 | |
| Well-made Sword of the Swift and Strong | 20 | 7 50 | |
| Wendingway's Club | | 1 20 | Quested From: The Errant Coinpurse (7) |
| Westernesse Axe | 35 | 4 9 | Crafted |
| Westernesse Dagger | 31 | 2 60 | Crafted |
| Westernesse Sword | 31 | 3 50 | Crafted |
| Westernesse-make Longsword | 39 | 20 16 | Sold by: Tully Hopwood |
| Wheatley's Sword | | 2 24 | Quested From: Find Malin (20) |
| William's Doom | | 3 40 | |
| Winged Blade of Honour | 40 | 7 52 | Dropped by: Naruhel |
| Wisdan's Fall | | 8 36 | Quested From: Master of Barad Gularan (50) |
| Wood Bat | 19 | 2 48 | Dropped by: Corintur |
| Wood Bat | 20 | 2 14 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn |
| Wood Bat of Ruin | 49 | 5 | |
| Wood Bat of the Hunter | 13 | 1 97 | |
| Wood Bat of Vigour | 21 | 2 65 | |
| Woodruff's Longsword | | 2 75 | Quested From: All's Well (23) |
| Worn Hand Axe | | 90 | Quested From: Intro: A Guardian's Shield Swipe (2), Intro: A Strong Shield (2), Intro: A Strong Voice (2), ... |
| Worn Mace | | 84 | Quested From: Intro: A Guardian's Shield Swipe (2), Intro: A Strong Shield (2), Intro: A Strong Voice (2), ... |
| Yew Hammer | 21 | 2 90 | Crafted |