Name | Level | Worth | Received |
| Amarthbadanir | | 11 38 | Quested From: Heart of the Waters (50) |
| Balanamath | 29 | 9 66 | Quested From: Birds of a Feather (29) |
| Banded Round Shield | 15 | 3 85 | Dropped by: Foul-arrow White Hand, White Hand Pillager Sold by: Invar |
| Banded Round Shield | 32 | 5 4 | Sold by: Bail Threespot |
| Banded Round Shield of Determination | 15 | 1 95 | |
| Battered Dunedain Defender's Shield | | 10 22 | Quested From: Crown of the Colossus (33) |
| Bori's Grand Shield | | 21 21 | Quested From: Book 9, Chapter 16: The Dungeons of Dol Guldur (65) |
| Calatherdir's Wall | | 10 50 | |
| Candac's Wall | | 3 85 | Quested From: Candac's Delivery (15) |
| Chipped Dunlending Heavy Shield | | 8 90 | Quested From: Capture the Stores (66) |
| Diplomat's Ward | | 5 38 | Quested From: A Brokered Peace (29) |
| Dithalion's Heavy Shield | | 14 | Quested From: Chapter 5: The Black Pit (60) |
| Dragon Kite Shield of Fleetness | 50 | 7 56 | |
| Dunlending Iron Kite Shield | | 9 24 | Quested From: A Walk in the Glade (70) |
| Dwarf Shield | 20 | 4 20 | Sold by: Invar, Refr Quicksilver |
| Dwarf Shield | 23 | 4 41 | Sold by: Refr Quicksilver |
| Dwarf Shield | 26 | 4 62 | Sold by: Refr Quicksilver |
| Dwarf Shield | 29 | 4 83 | Sold by: Refr Quicksilver |
| Dwarf Shield | 35 | 5 25 | Sold by: Galti Son Of Geitir |
| Dwarf Shield | 38 | 5 46 | Sold by: Galti Son Of Geitir |
| Dwarf Shield of Fleetness | 29 | 5 80 | |
| Dwarf Shield of Might | 20 | 5 4 | |
| Dwarf Shield of Rallying | 50 | 7 56 | |
| Dwarf Wedge Shield of Fate | 33 | 6 13 | |
| Dwarven Shield of Battle | | 12 60 | Quested From: The Last of the White Hand (56) |
| Elven Knight's Heavy Shield | 47 | 12 60 | Crafted |
| Elven Soldier's Heavy Shield | 42 | 11 90 | Crafted |
| Enduring Dwarf Shield | 25 | 5 46 | |
| Eoscyld | 50 | 12 60 | |
| Exquisite Lothlorien Heavy Shield | 60 | 12 60 | Crafted |
| Fierce Kite Shield of Might | 41 | 3 67 | |
| Forge-Crafted Large Shield | 20 | 8 40 | Crafted |
| Garthathan | | 9 80 | Quested From: A Champion's Courage (30) |
| Gleaming Dwarf Shield | 22 | 5 21 | |
| Gleaming Round Shield | 22 | 5 21 | Dropped by: Ulural |
| Goluamath | | 12 60 | Quested From: Chapter 6: Thror's Hammer (48) |
| Great Shield of the Barrows | 26 | 9 24 | |
| Guard's Heavy Shield | 53 | 38 | Sold by: Gair, Limar, Thorth Splintershield |
| Guardian of Lalia | | 4 87 | Quested From: Lalia's Safe Passage (18) |
| Halbarad's Shield | | 5 38 | Quested From: Dire News (25) |
| Hardened Elven Knight's Heavy Shield | 47 | 18 90 | Crafted |
| Hardened Heavy Ancient Shield | 47 | 18 90 | Crafted |
| Hardened Heavy Dwarf-iron Shield | 31 | 10 36 | Crafted |
| Hardened Heavy Gondorian Kite Shield | 27 | 9 80 | Crafted |
| Hardened Heavy Iron Kite Shield | 12 | 7 70 | Crafted |
| Hardened Heavy Steel Round Shield | 23 | 9 24 | Crafted |
| Hardened Heavy Westernesse Shield | 35 | 10 92 | Crafted |
| Heavy Ancient Shield | 47 | 12 60 | Crafted |
| Heavy Elven Soldiers' Shield | 42 | 11 90 | Crafted |
| Heavy Forge-Crafted Kite Shield | 17 | 8 40 | Crafted |
| Heavy Gondorian Kite Shield | 27 | 9 80 | Crafted |
| Heavy Iron Kite Shield | 12 | 4 62 | Crafted |
| Heavy Shield of the Golden Host | 65 | 14 42 | Crafted |
| Heavy Steel Round Shield | 23 | 5 54 | Crafted |
| Heavy Westernesse Shield | 35 | 10 50 | Crafted |
| Heroic Noble's Heavy Shield | 58 | 18 90 | Crafted |
| Hithlim's Kite Shield | | 6 13 | Quested From: Weakening the Tide (34) |
| Horngoth's End | | 12 60 | Quested From: Chief of the Invaders (50) |
| Hunter's Savior | | 7 6 | Quested From: Of Great Aid (47) |
| Hydre-sceld | | 15 68 | Quested From: Book 4, Chapter 16: The Watchful Presence (72) |
| Idden's End | | 6 22 | |
| Ironfist's Wall | | 6 13 | Quested From: The True Thieves (34) |
| Kite Shield | 20 | 4 20 | Sold by: Maynard Thistle |
| Kite Shield | 23 | 4 41 | Dropped by: Oath-breaker Coward |
| Kite Shield | 29 | 4 83 | |
| Kite Shield | 29 | 4 83 | Sold by: Bail Threespot |
| Kite Shield | 47 | 6 9 | |
| Kite Shield of Rallying | 25 | 5 46 | |
| Laerdan's Defender | | 12 60 | Quested From: Book XII, Chapter 6: Laerdan's Escape (50) |
| Leafcutter's Shield | | 12 60 | Quested From: Chapter 9: The Barrows of Haudh Iarchith (50) |
| Longamath | | 10 92 | Quested From: Fell the Trolls (37) |
| Lorien Heavy Shield | 60 | 12 60 | Sold by: Lomguil |
| Lucelad | 50 | 12 60 | |
| Lucflad | 49 | 12 46 | |
| Luthrand | | 11 20 | Quested From: Chapter 5: Hiding In The Dark (39) |
| Mallendir | 50 | 12 60 | |
| Marskold | 65 | 14 70 | |
| Metal Round Shield of Stamina | 40 | 6 72 | |
| Naglettar | 50 | 12 60 | |
| Nomad's Shield | | 11 48 | Quested From: The Minions of Muirathakh (44) |
| Oakheart's Thanks | | 8 | Quested From: Oakheart's Flight (36) |
| Orc's Demise | | 12 60 | Quested From: Halting the Advance (60) |
| Raider's Shield of Might | 35 | 6 30 | |
| Resolute Dunlending Battle Shield | 70 | 23 10 | Crafted |
| Rianamath | | 6 80 | |
| Rianamath | | 11 34 | Quested From: Stealing Stores (44) |
| Righ-targaid | 60 | 6 60 | |
| Rodamath | | 14 70 | Quested From: A Guardian's Duty (30) |
| Rondbalk | 50 | 12 60 | Dropped by: Grisgart |
| Round Shield | 23 | 4 41 | Dropped by: Creoth Apprentice, Creoth Chieftain, Creoth Devout, ... Sold by: Maynard Thistle |
| Round Shield | 35 | 5 25 | |
| Sharpshard's Shield | | 6 72 | Quested From: The Last Ingot (45) |
| Shield of Efficacy | 35 | 10 92 | |
| Shield of Eregion | 26 | 9 24 | |
| Shield of Moria | 48 | 6 88 | |
| Shield of Rallying | 62 | 8 57 | Dropped by: Mirk-huorn |
| Shield of Rallying | 65 | 8 82 | Dropped by: Burzthrang Marauder, Burzthrang Poisoner, Burzthrang Ravager, ... |
| Shield of Rhudaur | | 9 80 | Quested From: Long Overdue Justice (30) |
| Shield of the Brotherhood | 45 | 12 32 | |
| Shield of the Eglan-defender | 32 | 15 75 | Sold by: Freagyr |
| Shield of the North-Star | | 12 18 | Quested From: (), The Seven Swords (47) |
| Shield of the Palace of Nain | | 12 60 | Quested From: The Hive-queen (51) |
| Shield of the Statue | | 3 42 | Quested From: Reassembling the Statue (57) |
| Shield of the West-tower | 50 | 18 90 | Sold by: Ariel |
| Shining Banded Round Shield | 18 | 4 87 | |
| Skotrand | 50 | 18 90 | Sold by: Halgils |
| Skunkwood's Shield | | 4 87 | Quested From: Treasures of Cardolan (19) |
| Small Banded Buckler of Vigour | 16 | 1 72 | |
| Smithrand | 58 | 13 72 | Sold by: Halgils |
| Steel Kite Shield | 15 | 3 85 | Sold by: Maynard Thistle |
| Steel Kite Shield | 18 | 4 62 | |
| Steel Kite Shield | 26 | 4 62 | |
| Steel Kite Shield of Might | 18 | 4 87 | |
| Stonehelm Shield | 48 | 12 32 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Storrand | 45 | 12 32 | |
| Stoutwall | 65 | 15 12 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Strangweord | 48 | 12 60 | |
| Strong Shield | 53 | 7 56 | Dropped by: Uruk Battle-master |
| Superb Lothlorien Heavy Shield | 60 | 21 | Crafted |
| Teras-sydan | 42 | 36 | Crafted |
| The Heart of Stone | | 16 10 | |
| The Wall of Annuminas | 36 | 10 64 | Sold by: Celegdes |
| Threkrand | 50 | 19 | |
| Threkskold | 65 | 14 70 | |
| Tonnbrest | 45 | 11 90 | |
| Toramath | | 4 96 | Quested From: An Honourless People (20) |
| Turamath | | 12 46 | Quested From: Rakothurz and Horm (50) |
| Ulkrank Guard | | 11 48 | Quested From: The Old One (44) |
| Urbhrum's Wall | | 13 30 | Quested From: Fighting the Fungus (54) |
| Vamma's Heavy Shield | | 12 4 | Quested From: He Who Leads (49) |
| Victory at Minas Agar | | 12 18 | Quested From: Karstiona, Emissary of the Trev Duvardain (50) |
| Vorthrand | 50 | 18 90 | Sold by: Himhul |
| Wall of Annuminas | 58 | 14 14 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... Crafted |
| Wall of the Gravenwood | | 9 41 | Quested From: Breath of the Dragon (72) |
| Wall of the Resolute Guardian | 58 | 18 90 | |
| Warden's Shield | 50 | 36 | Sold by: Hafgrim |
| Wigskold | 48 | 18 48 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Wood Round Shield | 17 | 3 99 | Sold by: Maynard Thistle |
| Wood Round Shield | 20 | 4 20 | |
| Wood Round Shield | 26 | 4 62 | Sold by: Bail Threespot |
| Wood Round Shield | 32 | 5 4 | |
| Wood Round Shield of Might | 16 | 4 70 | |
| Wood Round Shield of Might | 47 | 7 31 | |
| Wyrmshud | 49 | 12 46 | Sold by: Bolo Boffin |