Dark Delvings  

Zone: Foundations of Stone
Type: Vault in Foundations of Stone
Level: 56 - 60
Location: 15.8S, 97.3W
Quests: Starting: 0, Involved: 6
Mobs: 4

On either side of the arch is an obelisk with green glowing runes. The runes are from the Angerthas, the letters of the Dwarves. Th inscription is 48, 17, 48, 22, 8, 42, 12, 48, 54. There are three slightly different translations, depending on mode. None of the three make perfect sense but here they are: e nj e n t u n e h (Angerthas), e z e n t u r e s (Angerthas Moria), and e x e n t u r e s (Mode of Erebor)
translation based on The Return of the King, Houghton Miifflin, Second Edition, Revised, 1965, pp 402-404

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    Dark Delvings