Mobs by NPC Type: Guardian Trainer

Anglor (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gates 
Bruinir (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Dagorom, Guardian TrainerNorth Downs Esteldin 
Garrett Beardsley, Guardian TrainerBree-land Combe, Training Hall 
Gwathel, Guardian TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
Mainio (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
Mergeth, Guardian TrainerEred Luin Gondamon 
Mirdoron, Guardian TrainerRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Naut (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerThorin's Gate Thorin's Hall 
Nef (Guardian), Guardian TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
Rollo Hemming, Guardian TrainerThe Shire The Michel Delving Training Hall 
Snorri (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gate 
Snorri, Guardian TrainerThorin's Gate The Berghold 
Teal Saddler (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerArchet, Archet (pre-instance) Archet, Archet (pre-instance) 
Tirnedhruith, Guardian TrainerEvendim Tinnudir 
Tralli (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerBree-town Bree-town Jail