Book 4, Chapter 11: Into the Dunbog  

Prerequisite: Book 4, Chapter 10: Herdsmen of the Starkmoor
Series Name: Volume III, Book 4: Rise of Isengard
Leads To: Book 4, Chapter 12: Outliners
Start Zone: Dunland
Start Area: Dunland
Start Location: Starkmoor
Start Mob: Nona (Starkmoor)
Flags: Epic, Solo
Reputation Increased: 500 Men of Dunland
Cash Granted: 31s 85c
Exp Granted: 11436
Item Exp Granted: 9277
Quest Level: 70
Min Level: 65
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Locations with maps: Dunland
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    Nona (Starkmoor)
    Nona (Starkmoor, 2nd location)


'The people of the Starkmoor are on the tipping point, Name. If we can help its people, we may be able to deprive Saruman of the food he needs to feed his armies.

'Travel south to Avardin and help the people there and all throughout the Starkmoor. It may prove the difference in this region.

'Once you are satisfied that you have done all you can to help the people of the Starkmoor, I will meet you where the road passes from the Starkmoor to the Dunbog in the south by a great stone arch, and we will continue our journey together.'


You should help the people of the Starkmoors before moving south to meet Nona in the Dunbog.


Objective 1

  • Help the people of the Starkmoor as much as you can, and when you are ready to move on, find Nona by the road into Dunbog
  • Nona is along the road that runs south out of the Starmoor into the Dunbog, near the natural arch of stone.

    Nona has asked you to help the people of the Starkmoor with their problems, especially at Avardin to the south, and to meet her by the road into the Dunbog when you are satisfied.