Book 4, Chapter 7: Aiding Tur Morva  

Prerequisite: Book 4, Chapter 6: The Will to Stand
Series Name: Volume III, Book 4: Rise of Isengard
Leads To: Book 4, Chapter 8: The Messenger of Isengard
Includes Quest: A Rare Dwarf (Dwarf Only)
Includes Quest: Charm of the Huntsman
Includes Quest: Concerned by Hobbits (Hobbit Only)
Includes Quest: Curing the Leather
Includes Quest: No Mercy for Traitors
Includes Quest: Preserved for the Journey
Includes Quest: Tal Methedras Elf Race Quest (Elf Only)
Includes Quest: The Practiced Arm
Includes Quest: The Unwelcome Guest
Includes Quest: Tidings of Anirin (Man Only)
Start Zone: Dunland
Start Area: Dunland
Start Location: Tal Methedras
Start Mob: Penrod
Flags: Epic, Solo
Reputation Increased: 500 Men of Dunland
Cash Granted: 31s 15c
Exp Granted: 14672
Item Exp Granted: 12951
Quest Level: 68
Min Level: 63
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Locations with maps: Dunland
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    Lheu Brenin


'If it took only courage to win battles against Wizards, the Falcon-clan would have marched south, put Saruman in his place, and be on its way home already...but it is not enough.

'Tur Morva must be ready. Rhus prepares the leather that Taf will fashion into armour. Our Brenin's daughter, Mair, trains youthful fighters in the combat arts. Idele sees to the gathering of foodstuffs for the journey. All have their work, but it will be a while before the Falcon can fly to war.

'With your help and the help of the Rangers, it will go more quickly.'


Penrod has told you there is much work to do before the Falcon-clan can have much hope of standing against Saruman.


Objective 1

  • Complete the preparations in Tur Morva (0/10)
  • Each member of the Falcon-clan in Tur Morva has a task to do to prepare for battle against Saruman. Penrod has asked you to aid them with their tasks.

    Objective 2

  • Talk to Penrod in Tur Morva
  • Penrod will be glad to hear that you have aided the people of Tur Morva with their preparations.

    Objective 3

  • Talk to Lheu Brenin in Tur Morva
  • Lheu Brenin is outsiode his home, up the hill to the south of Penrod, in Tur Morva.

    Penrod has told you that Brenin wants to see you concerning some trouble with the captive emissary of Isengard.


    You must complete 10 quest in Tal Methedras in order to complete this quest, one quest will be a racial quest.