The Derudhs' Circle  

Prerequisite: The Lost Hunter
Leads To: Rituals of the Forest
Start Zone: Enedwaith
Start Area: Mournshaws
Start Location: Echad Daervunn
Start Mob: Umfre
Items Needed:Items Rewarded:Reputation Increased: 900 Algraig, Men of Enedwith
Cash Granted: 28s 35c
Exp Granted: 9217
Item Exp Granted: 9277
Quest Level: 65
Min Level: 61
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Locations with maps: Enedwaith
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    Galar Culch
    Wild Berries


'If you must find your way through this accursed forest, then I cannot show it to you, for I never go so deep...but the Derudh may know a way.

'A few among our people are chosen to learn the forest's secrets. Those that return claim to have communed with the spirits of the forest, but speak little of it. These are the Derudh of the Mournshaws.

'There is an ancient circle of stone in the northern reaches of the forest called Galar Culch where you might find them. Bring them some tithe of berries or the like, and they may grant you some piece of wisdom. Do not expect much from them, however, for they care little for duvodiad like you.'


Umfrë told you of a small community of Dunlendings who are chosen by their clans to enter the Mournshaws and commune with the spirits who live there. He believes that they might know of a way through the deep woods into the south.


  • Collect wild berries in the Mournshaws (0/12)

Berries may be found along the forest paths in the Mournshaws.

Umfrë suggests that you gather berries as a tithe to the Derudh of the Mournshaws before you approach them.

  • Bring the berris to tthe Derudh at Galar Culch

The Derudh of the Mournshaws may be found at a stone circle called Galar Culch to the south of Echad Daervunn.

Umfrë told you to approach the Derudh with an offering of berries.

  • Talk to Enit at Galar Culch

Enit is at Galar Culch, south of Echad Daervunn.

Enit the Derudh may know a way through the Mournshaws into Dunland.