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Leads To: Aid to Earn
Leads To: The Master of the Ruins
Leads To: Walking Dead
Start Zone: Lone-Lands
Start Area: Nain Enidh
Start Location: Ost Guruth
Start Mob: Frideric the Elder
Reputation Increased: 500 The Eglain
Cash Granted: 7s
Exp Granted: 1045
Quest Level: 29
Min Level: 26
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Locations with maps: Lone-Lands
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    Frideric the Elder
    Dol Vaeg
    Nain Enidh


'A moment of your time, Name, but know that the task I will ask of you will take more than moments and set you a course for true danger.

'Some time back, before the darkness spread from the east and north, we witnessed the arrival of the Dead at Nan Dhelu. We have pften stayed afar of that place as something there always set unease upon us. Now, though, the evil emanating spreads fear throughout the people.

'I dispatched one of our strongest kinswomen to watch the ruins...she is there now with her companion who is there at the behest of Stanric. Should you wish to aid us further, make your way to the ruin of Dol Vaeg, east along the road and north to the highest hill, and assist her.'


Frideric directed you to Cwendreda, located at the ruins of Dol Varg. The woman is there watching, tracking, and attempting to stave off the spread of the Dead from within the ruins of Nan Dhelu.


Objective 1

  • Talk to Cwendreda at Dol Vaeg
  • Make your way to the ruins of Dol Vaeg and speak with Cwendreda. The ruins are east and north of the Great East Road on a high hill.

    Frideric the Elder, in an effort to further garner your help for the Eglain, sent you to Dol Vaeg to assist Cwendreda.