Natural Light  

Start Zone: Mirkwood
Start Area: Emyn Lum
Start Location: Ost Galadh
Start Mob: Lomdognir (Ost Galadh)
Items Needed:Items Rewarded:Reputation Increased: 500 Malledhrim
Cash Granted: 28s 35c
Exp Granted: 8417
Item Exp Granted: 5602
Quest Level: 63
Min Level: 60
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Locations with maps: Mirkwood
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    Lomdognir (Ost Galadh)
    Emyn Lum
    The Wild Ruin


'By now I am sure you have noticed how difficult it can be to see through the fog that lies constantly upon Mirkwood. I have little doubt that this is some contrivance of the Enemy, for even torches and bonfires seem to flicker weakly through these accursed mists.

'We have an idea, however -- one of my guards noticed last evening that the flickering lights of those overgrown fireflies can be seen from some considerable distance even through the fog. Some quality of their light cuts through the mists and makes them visible.

'So, for the purposes of having some reliable light with which to observe our perimeter and to signal with, I would ask you to go collect some of the glands from the fireflies. Do be careful, though: if they are damaged at all, the light fades quite rapidly and is of little use.'


Lomdognir wonders if the glowing glands of the local fireflies can be used as a more reliable source of light in the unnatural mists surrounding Mirkwood.


Objective 1

  • Collect glowing glands (0/6)
  • Fireflies can be found throughout Emyn Lum.

    Lomdognir has asked you to hunt down the fireflies in Emyn Lum and attempt to collect a handful of the glands that produce a glow, which can cast a light even through the mists enshrouding Mirkwood.

    Objective 2
  • Talk to Lomdognir at Ost Galadh
  • Lomdognir is at Ost Galadh.

    You should return to Lomdognir with the firefly-glands which you have collected.