Building the Bree Homestead  

Start Zone: Bree-land
Start Location: Staddle
Start Mob: Sarabeth Lowbanks
Items Needed:Cash Granted: 1s 60c
Quest Level: 8
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Locations with maps: Bree-Land Homesteads | Bree-land
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    Nan Henwood
    Sarabeth Lowbanks
    Midgewater Marshes


Bree is a small town, but growing everyday due to the travellers coming up the Greenway from the South.


Objective 1
Bring the Work order to Nan Henwood

Nan Henwood is near the gates of the Bree homestead, south-east of Sarabeth Lowbanks, east of the old ruins there.

Sarabeth Lowbanks has asked you to deliver a work order confirmation to Nan Henwood.

Objective 2
Bring the Work order to Bill Twiggins

Bill Twiggins is in the market square of the Bree homestead.

Nan Henwood has signed the work order and asked you to take it to Bill Twiggins