Bag End  

Zone: The Shire
Type: Building in The Hill
Level: 1 - 75
Location: 29.4S, 71.4W
Quests: Starting: 5, Involved: 7
Mobs: 2

The most famed residence in all the Shire - perhaps even Middle-earth itself - is the hole at Bag-End; which was originally occupied by Bilbo Baggins before the events of The Hobbit. It was then passed down to young Frodo Baggins who resided in it for a small while before selling it off to the intolerable Otho and Lotho Sackville-Baggins. Much to the chagrin of Frodo - and perhaps Bilbo if he found out - that detestable woman lives there still, brooding in her alleged victory. Even in the presence of such a wonderful and famed house, the nasty creature still has a poor attitude for anyone that comes her way - even to small hobbit lads.


To the north of Hobbiton lies an area called The Hill, and within its northern reaches is the famed Bag-End who all have heard about. Beside the advent of sight-seeing, there is not much to this small abode. Yet low level hobbits will find their way to Bag-End if they pursue the epic prologue; for Lotho Sackville-Baggins is one of many NPCs on that quest line.

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