Mobs by NPC Type: Novice Scholar

Alice Pickthorn, Novice ScholarBree-town Three-farrow Crafting Hall 
Amaranth Gamgee, Novice ScholarEvendim Oatbarton 
Anna Bullrush (Novice Scholar), Novice ScholarBree-land Combe Crafting Hall 
Archivist Arodel (Historian), Novice ScholarEred Luin Scholar's Enclave 
Atharovor (Novice Scholar), Novice ScholarRivendell Elrond's Library 
Beneger Bolger, Novice ScholarThe Shire Budgeford 
Citrina Brockhouse, Novice ScholarThe Shire Brockenborings 
Dusi (Novice Scholar), Novice ScholarThorin's Hall Thorin's Hall - The Maker's Hall 
Glory Hornblower, Novice ScholarThe Shire Bywater 
Hildibras Took, Novice ScholarThe Shire Michel Delving 
Issiril (Novice Scholar), Novice ScholarNorth Downs Craft-hall of Esteldin 
Lothinn, Novice ScholarEred Luin Gondamon 
Makan (Novice Scholar), Novice ScholarThorin's Gate Crafting Hall (Thorin's Gate) 
Merimas Brandybuck, Novice ScholarBree-land Buckland 
Neville Hopwood (Novice Scholar), Novice ScholarEvendim Tinnudir 
Novice Scholar, Novice ScholarNorth Downs, The Shire Budgeford, Trestlebridge 
Thavroniel, Novice ScholarEred Luin Celondim 
Walding Tunks (Novice Scholar), Novice ScholarEvendim Ost Forod